2024年07月08日 12:21:09Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery.子弹穿过动脉,他失血过多几乎性命不保。She severed her ties with England.她断绝了和英国的往来。... -
2024年07月08日 10:49:03Please unplug the TV before you go to bed.临睡前请拔下电视机的插头.Unplug from these connections while you're working on your single task.远离这些联系,当你在为你的单一工作而努力的时候.unplug the refrigerator关掉冰箱Unplug the combination flash... -
2024年07月08日 11:09:09He was there when the split occurred in the Kuomintang - Communist alliance.国共分裂时他正好在那里.Furthermore , scores of other Kuomintang divisions are heading for the Liberated Areas.正在向我解放区开进者, 尚有数十师.T . V. Soong was ... -
2024年07月08日 12:22:04有限生长类型的主茎和果枝仍然较短.The main stem and fruiting branches of determinant types remain relatively short.在菜尖下方12-15厘米处把主茎割断就可以了.Cut the main stem about 12 to 15 centimeters below the head.这种荷尔蒙会从主茎向下流.This hormone flo... -
2024年07月08日 01:08:33他个人的心魔让他多年以来酗酒度日。His private demons drove him to drink excessively for many years.她一动不动,好像着了魔。She was not moving, as if someone had bewitched her.那个节日是为了纪念杀死魔牛。The festival commemorates the slaying of the demon... -
2024年07月08日 12:26:02The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate.比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.两国之间宿怨已久。For decades rich nations have been screwing money ou... -
2024年07月08日 16:10:05The imminence of their exams made them work harder.考试即将来临,迫使他们更用功了。The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car's deceleration.刹车踩得越用力,车子减速越猛。It is getting harder for the president to dissoci... -
2024年07月08日 11:19:06I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.我把纸打开的时候,尽量不把它撕破。The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos.消防员展开水龙带,开始冲着烧焦的谷仓喷水。He unwrapped a package.他打开包裹。That package you ar... -
2024年07月08日 08:00:07他内心洋溢着幸福感.His heart danced with happiness.他的心情在幸福感与沮丧的两极端间游移((一下心花怒放,一下又变得愁眉苦脸)).His mood oscillates between euphoria and depression.我们有时需要小小的幸福感,以及短暂的幸福.We want bite - sized happiness and short bursts of satis... -
2024年07月08日 13:36:02他已花了1,900万英镑,输掉了三场杯赛决赛,球队也降级了。钱也不是万能的。He has spent 19 million pounds, lost three cup finals and been relegated. So much for money.钞票不是万能的。Money is not everything.因为上帝被说成是万能的, 所以他是完美无缺的.Since God is conceived to... -
2024年07月08日 14:03:17His body was found at sea in waters off the Canary Islands.他的尸体在离加那利群岛不远的海上被发现。The canary has escaped from the cage.那只金丝雀已从笼子里跑掉了.He said he would try to write or call as soon as he reached the Canary Islands.他... -
2024年07月08日 10:32:04他们约在七年之前将这家畜去势.They had the animal neutered some seven years back.他们饲养家畜, 例如山羊和牛.They keep animals, e . g . goats and cattle.家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘.Herds are fattening on the early clover.... -
2024年07月08日 06:59:17Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court.书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.他放弃了为吉他谱曲,决定把作品改编成钢琴曲。Pay attention to not missing any... -
2024年07月08日 13:44:03All exhibitors displayed their best products.所有参展者展示了他们的最好的产品.All the other exhibitors do the same, and stands are allocated accordingly.其他所有参展单位都这样做, 摊位就按这些要求分配.VIPs Purchasing Zone, platform for buyers and ex...