2024年07月10日 20:29:46空气,无论是气态的或是液态的,都是一种流体.Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.水蒸气是气态的水.Water vapor is water in the form of a gas.化合物M是一种气态的烃,燃烧时生成二氧化碳和水.Compound M is a gaseous hydrocarbon and on combustion yield... -
2024年07月10日 23:20:51瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book.他们需要一种交通工具来周游全国。They need some way of getting round the country.我最想做的事是开车周游世界。More than anything, I'd like to drive around the w... -
2024年07月10日 22:41:00两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.贸易赤字是经济快速发展带来的负面产物。The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.他们的成功是各种环境因素偶然联系在一起的幸运产物。Their su... -
2024年07月10日 22:22:45The salad dressing was too lemony.这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。Pale yellow color with lemony reflections.淡雅的黄色酒体,透出一抹柠檬般的亮色.With a fork or a whisk blend everything together until its lemony yellow.现在用叉子或者搅蛋器拌匀它们、直到呈现柠檬黄色.... -
2024年07月10日 13:41:14Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。There was an unappealing film of slime on top of the pond.池塘表面有一层黏腻腻的污泥。His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.他的池塘里长满... -
2024年07月11日 00:10:02窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.这些商店也提供价格优惠的窗帘制作服务。The shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service.用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。Embellish basic covers and curtains with bord... -
2024年07月10日 16:28:37In Alberta people mine and drill for oil, potash, petrol and gas.在亚伯达,人们采矿、打井开采石油 、 碳酸钾 、 汽油和天然气.The plains of Alberta are extremely fertile.艾伯塔平原极其肥沃.In Alberta and Saskatchewan there are many hills where dino... -
2024年07月11日 01:03:46The password allows the user to log into the system.用戶用密码可进入系统。They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here...进出这里的所有人和物他们都会记录。Dynamiting log jam seemed to be the only solution.打破僵局似乎是惟一的解决办法.... -
2024年07月10日 23:27:07This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.这是一篇剖析民族主义的让人不安的文章。To them, the monarchy is the special symbol of nationhood.在他们看来,君主制是独立国地位的特殊象征。... -
2024年07月10日 23:24:05Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。He is a pastry chef without rival.他是最好的面点师。Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips...把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem ex... -
2024年07月11日 06:08:23Objective To observe the effectiveness of Tacrolimus Ointment on corticosteroid - dependent dermitis.目的:观察他克莫司软膏对激素依赖性皮炎的治疗作用....people who were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.那些靠这... -
2024年07月11日 08:08:24Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.马西山是阿迪朗达克山脉中最高的山。... -
2024年07月11日 08:46:24桉树上鸟儿在吱吱喳喳地叫。There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees.桉树油可以很好地缓解肌肉的疼痛.Eucalyptus oil is good for easing muscular aches and pains.同样某些阔叶树种, 例如一些桉树类, 采种的问题不多.Likewise, certain angiosperms, for example,... -
2024年07月11日 06:40:03你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. 你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。如果你这么做,并且保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hard... -
2024年07月10日 19:20:10如果她想和别人互换工作,我会很感兴趣的。If she ever fancies a job swap, I could be interested.他最大的革新在于使用了可互换的零件。His greatest innovation was the use of interchangeable parts.遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。Genetic engineers transpos...