
  • “斯塔”造句

    2024年06月27日 22:56:30我的猫古斯塔夫是我所有的一切——我唯一的伴侣。My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had—the only company.她夸张地鞠了个躬。“阿纳斯塔西娅·克鲁布尼克,随时为您效劳,”她说。She bowed dramatically. "Anastasia Krupnik, at your service," she said.他是南非仅有的几千名虔诚的拉斯塔法里教徒中的一员。H...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “小镇”造句

    2024年06月27日 21:26:31当小镇的时钟敲响两点钟时,他们听到了隆隆的鼓声。As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums.我一点也看不出她和那个小镇有什么联系。I can't find any tie between her and the town.我们匆匆穿过湍急的那曲河畔这个毫无生气的小镇。We hurried through the colourless ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • attributable造句

    2024年06月28日 07:10:1410,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo?这幅画是米开朗琪罗画的 吗 ?10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attrib...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • apob例句

    2024年06月28日 05:31:37As compared with � � Up , � � UAE was much more closely related to � � TC, � � TG, � � LDL, � � apoB ( P & lt; 0.05 ).与ΔUp相比, ΔUAE与ΔTC 、 ΔTG 、 ΔLDL 、 ΔapoB有更大的相关性 ( P & lt; 0.05 ).Blood LDL - c, apoB increased ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “设备的”造句

    2024年06月28日 06:18:36您也可以乘坐配有视频设备的现代化长途汽车游览那处遗址。You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos.调查发现,公司对安全设备的投资严重不足。The inquiry found that the company had seriously underspent on safety equipment.我想知道这个设备的大小.I wan...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “埃曼”造句

    2024年06月28日 08:30:20另一位出现在板凳上的是刚从大腿受伤中恢复过来的埃曼纽尔·阿德巴约.He was joined on the sidelines by Emmanuel Adebayor, back after a thigh injury....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • beheaded造句

    2024年06月27日 22:36:59Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians.查理一世被克伦威尔派斩首。He was beheaded for high treason.他因判国罪被砍头.There he was condemned to death by the king, and before being beheaded he was flayed alive.他被那里的国王定为死罪, 在被砍头之前,活...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “透彻的”造句

    2024年06月28日 09:03:06那本书对当今理论予以全面透彻的评论.The book provides a thorough critique of current theories.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律.This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.不过,这几次会谈一直是坦率而透彻的.The conversations had neverthless ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “内爆”造句

    2024年06月27日 18:22:48发动机内爆了。The engine imploded.内爆拆除用造成内爆的方法拆除 ( 建筑物 )To demolish ( a building ) by causing to collapse inward.尝试在射程内爆头.Try for the head shot - at range....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • stagnant造句

    2024年06月28日 03:12:50There is a stagnant pool at the botom of the garden.在花坛底部有个死水塘。He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.他正在就如何振兴低迷的经济征求意见。He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy...他正在就如何振兴低...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “进口货”造句

    2024年06月28日 03:16:34她的衣服是新近从法国来的进口货.Her dress is a recent importation from France.国产货正在取代进口货.Home - made goods are edging out imported foreign goods.国货与进口货之间的竞争更加激烈了.Competition between domestics and foreign imports is growing fie...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • enmity造句

    2024年06月28日 08:17:33Let one’s thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world--above, below and across--without any hatred, without any enmity.让我们心中无限的爱能遍布整个世界,无论在宇宙的那一个角落,都没有丝毫的怨恨和敌意。Flattery brings friends, but the truth bege...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • Asia例句

    2024年06月27日 13:25:51Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.家鸡是由东南亚原鸡演变而来的。The countries of South Asia also share many common values.南亚各国也有许多相同的价值观。It has become a cliche to describe Asia-Pacific as the ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • amplified造句

    2024年06月28日 05:32:48He amplified on his remarks with drawings and figures.他用图表详细地解释了他的话.He amplified the whole course of the incident.他详述了事件的全过程.They amplified their sound.他们提高了嗓门。The music was amplified with microphones...音乐声通过麦克...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • locally例句

    2024年06月28日 00:32:49The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally.这家医院可能会限定只有当地居民才能预约。The curriculum was to be decided locally.课程安排将由地方决定。New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally.新行业所需的技术工人在当地是找不到...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10