
  • scribbling造句

    2024年06月27日 11:39:49He took my name and address, scribbling it down in his notebook.他要了我的姓名和地址,匆匆写在他的笔记本上。Most of the nervous students began scribbling out long dissertations.大多数学生很紧张,都开始专心地写他们的论文.The concept can be compared to Ma...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • religion造句

    2024年06月27日 18:09:57They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.他们强烈感受到他们的宗教信仰与政治体制不相称。The impact of religion on voting has been analysed far too simplistically.有关宗教对选举的影响的分析太过简单了。It's dif...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • kindred造句

    2024年06月27日 17:04:57Garrisons established to protect colonies acquired in the Spanish American War and kindred annexations.建立起卫戍部队以便保护在美西战争中占领的殖民地和兼并的西班牙领地.The offender made proper restitution to the victim's kindred.违法者对受害人亲...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • St.Petersburg造句

    2024年06月27日 15:46:02The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city's original name of St Petersburg.列宁格勒市的居民投票决定恢复该市原来的名字——圣彼得堡。So thought every harassed , hampered, respectable boy in St. Petersburg.圣彼德堡镇的那些受折磨 、 受拘束的体...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • stoppage造句

    2024年06月27日 14:13:01Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions.矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。His stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood.由于他拦阻水流而导致了洪水暴发.Angelo Peruzzi was extraordinary, esp...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • blankets造句

    2024年06月27日 10:24:09He managed to rustle up a couple of blankets.他很快想办法弄到了几张毯子。President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food, medicines and blankets.加西亚总统已经下令空运食品、药物和毛毯。All Dreamland's electric blankets are guaranteed for t...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • psychiatrists造句

    2024年06月27日 13:50:08To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists...说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。Psychiatrists initially train as doctors.精神病医生首先是作为医生接受培训的。To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists.说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “马蹄莲”造句

    2024年06月27日 18:08:08花卉市场里美丽的马蹄莲吸引住了我的目光.Beautiful calla lilies in the flower market attract me.醒目 、 具有异国情调的鲜花 ( 如马蹄莲 ) 对居室的整洁 、 宽敞起到了很好的补充作用.Bold, exotic flowers ( like callas, ) work well to complement this home's clean, ope...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • harbors造句

    2024年06月27日 06:56:09This island is surrounded by many safe and wide harbors.这个岛四周有许多非常安全和宽敞的港湾.It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of Hartford.它有哈特福德的保险公司的庞大的储备资金.And, across the world, ships were slidin...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • Aviv造句

    2024年06月27日 01:29:10Moshe Hod, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Tel Aviv University.研究者之一 、 特拉维夫大学的妇产科教授MosheHod说.No city, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem included, is home to more Jews than New York...没有一个城市,包括特拉维夫与耶路撒冷在内,像纽约市一样...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • impulse造句

    2024年06月27日 17:01:14An impulse of feeling now overcame her timidity, and Hetty spoke.一阵感情激动冲破了羞怯, 海蒂终于说话了.A low murmur from Hest produced a sudden impulse, and he fired.听到希斯特发出低低的埋怨声, 他终于开火了.These turbines can be broadly split int...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • catapulted造句

    2024年06月27日 04:55:11He was catapulted into the side of the van.他被弹飞出去,撞在货车的侧面。Affleck catapulted to fame after picking up an Oscar.摘得奥斯卡奖后,阿弗莱克一举成名。Suddenly she was catapulted into his jet-set lifestyle...突然间,她过上了他那种阔佬生活。"Basic In...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • sincerely造句

    2024年06月27日 10:37:15Waiting to hear from you, Yours sincerely, William Faulkner.盼复,您的诚挚的,威廉·福克纳"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Maybe he sincerely wanted to help his country.或许他是诚心诚意地想帮助自己的祖国。...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • ethyl造句

    2024年06月27日 14:35:55Sodium N - ( α - phenoxy ) - tetradecanoyltaurate ( SPTT ) was synthesized through Williamson etherification, hydrolysis, and acylation, using ethyl 2 - bromomyristate, phenol and taurine as the starting materi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • survives造句

    2024年06月27日 09:08:21The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today survives precariously in remote regions.今天狩猎采集的生活方式在偏远地区侥幸留存了下来。Something of the Crusades [ survives ] in the modern traveler ( Anatole Broyard )现代旅游者身上留存有某种十字军性质的东西阿纳托尔布鲁瓦亚尔...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10