
  • holometabolous造句

    2024年06月24日 08:04:20There are about 750,000 species of named insects and 85 % of these are holometabolous.已定名的昆虫约有750,000种,其中85%的昆虫都是完全变态的.Metamorphosis of an insect may be ametabolous hemimetabolous, or holometabolous. Neuroendoc...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “按字母”造句

    2024年06月24日 05:10:20按字母顺序排列的职业大全提供了有助于课程选择的信息。An A to Z of careers gives helpful information about courses.他们的香草和调味料按字母顺序摆放。Their herbs and spices are arranged in alphabetical order.名单上的名字是按字母顺序排列的。The names on the list are in alp...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “河水的”造句

    2024年06月24日 10:37:21他们在探测河水的深度.They were sounding the river.你知道这河水的深浅 吗 ?Do you know how deep the river is?在法国对四条河水的调查,已经得出病毒的浓度.A survey of four rivers in France has revealed virus concentrations....
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “伦敦人”造句

    2024年06月24日 07:33:21她是个混血(英国和牙买加)伦敦人。She's a Londoner of mixed parentage (English and Jamaican).这家旅馆是伦敦人理想的避风港。The hotel is an ideal bolt-hole for Londoners.她的口音说明她是伦敦人.Her accent betrays her a Londoner....
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • kale造句

    2024年06月23日 22:52:21Other members say collds, cabbage include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.其它的还包括卷心菜, 羽衣甘蓝, 芽洋白菜, 甘蓝类蔬菜和大头菜.Cabbages Cabbage is related to mustered mustard , turn - upsturnips, care kale a...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • polite造句

    2024年06月24日 04:55:21He pocketed his pride,and said good morning in a polite manner.他克制自尊心,有礼貌地道了一声“早安”。The prison official is icily polite and bureaucratic.监狱官冷淡又客气,表现出十足的官僚作风。I think English men are very polite and very correct.我...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “希腊语”造句

    2024年06月24日 11:11:35拉丁语和希腊语将退出学校的课程表。Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.他只会说希腊语。He didn't speak anything but Greek.由希腊语派生的词a word of Greek derivation...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • celiac造句

    2024年06月24日 03:45:21Objective To research the angiographic anatomy of celiac artery in rabbit.目的研究兔腹腔动脉血管造影解剖.The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches.右干分为腹腔和胃支.Its are ordinal and ordinal for: Bipod - two crus - t...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • Thoreau造句

    2024年06月24日 15:48:56Thoreau viewed man as an inextricable part of nature...梭罗认为人是自然不可分割的一部分。“It is the luxurious and dissipated who set the fashions which the herd so diligently follow”(Henry David Thoreau)“是奢侈和放荡的人制造了民众孜孜不倦地追求的时尚...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • LAS造句

    2024年06月24日 15:06:06The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.昨天从拉斯维加斯到圣迭戈都感觉到了这几股冲击波。The casinos in Las Vegas had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!拉斯韦加斯的赌场要小心了,因为我显然正红运当头!Major Cit...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • European造句

    2024年06月24日 11:59:56Indeed, among all the former European colonial powers, France is unique in its refusal to decolonize.实际上, 在所有前欧洲殖民列强中, 法国在拒绝非殖民化上是很独特的.European hawkweed having soft hairy leaves; sometimes placed in genus Hiera...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • summertime造句

    2024年06月24日 11:44:17Does summertime child blow 4 attentions of air conditioning?夏季小孩吹空调的四个注意?Even in the summertime we might be struck by blizzards.甚至在夏天,我们也可能受到暴风雪的袭击。Chinese students have ____ ___ ___ in the summertime than ____...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • settled造句

    2024年06月24日 12:42:30They settled with Colin at the end of the evening.晚上聚会结束的时候他们和科林结清了账。He casually waved over the waitress and settled the bill.他漫不经心地向侍者挥手结账。He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “电讯”造句

    2024年06月24日 11:04:19《中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯.China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world.电讯中断了.Telegraph communication was broken off.这些潮水般的电讯消息多像能令人忘却一切的忘川之水啊!What Lethean waters were these floods of telegraphed intellig...
    9144590 造句 15小时前
  • “受益人”造句

    2024年06月24日 13:37:43减免的税额在地产和受益人之间分摊。The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries.不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。Aid, however it is obtained, is demeaning to the recipients.遗嘱的主要受益人是死者的家庭成员.The main b...
    9144590 造句 15小时前