2024年07月05日 13:54:02目的探讨羧甲基壳聚糖包药微球体的制备及体外释药特性.Objective To prepare carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres of MS , and the releasing MS in vitro.研究中科学家分析了杰克逊维尔梅奥诊所接受微球体疗法的20名病人的数据.In this study, data from 20 patient procedures using m... -
2024年07月05日 22:41:55Because of the indistinguishability of the electrons , there is complete electronic democracy.因为电子的不可分辨性, 电子有完全的自由.But the relation of centralism and the modern democracy is very intricate.因此,集权制政治与现代法制在本质上是不相容... -
2024年07月06日 00:41:49人们发现橙子、柠檬和酸橙能治疗坏血病。Oranges, lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy.缺乏维生素C最终能道致坏血病.Vitamin C deficiency can ultimately lead to scurvy.缺乏维生素能引起疾病(如坏血病 、 佝偻病).Vitamin deficiency can cause ill nesses, eg scurvy... -
2024年07月05日 20:44:50The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders.藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子.The adhesion mechanism of barnacle , limpet, anemone, tube worm are described in this paper.主要介绍海洋生物中藤壶、帽贝 、 海葵 、 管栖蠕虫对其基材的粘附机理.The ... -
2024年07月05日 14:29:46Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway.经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。Such thinking puts Kodak in the vanguard of a movement reshaping the computer industry.这种想法使得柯达走在了改造... -
2024年07月05日 23:20:54烘烤的时候,面糊会膨胀起来。The batter rises as it bakes.可可树的种子;烘烤的圆形可可豆是巧克力的制作原料.Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree.中国人通常把食物拿来蒸或炒, 而不用烘烤的.Chinese normally steam or fry their foods, not bake them.... -
2024年07月06日 00:27:40A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.一分钟后, 众目睽睽之下, 一只虎鲸将它们统统吃掉.The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game...警方知道要捉到凶手必须将计就计。The hunt for her killer will c... -
2024年07月05日 13:56:46Diglycol diacetate had been obtained with sulfuric acid or toluene - p - sulfonic acid as catalyst in lab.研究了在实验室条件下,以硫酸、对 甲苯 磺酸为催化剂合成二甘醇二醋酸酯的方法.The synthetic principle and the process method diglycol dioleate ... -
2024年07月05日 07:44:46But by then the administration wasn't paying attention, for top officials were fixated on Kuwait.但在那之前,当局并没有特别注意,因为高层官员们都一门心思扑在科威特上。He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.他异常依恋那些使他回忆起童年生活... -
2024年07月05日 23:54:38It was this nucleus that Dr Lowry focused on.Lowry医生关注的正是这一部分.Dr Lowry was able to measure their stress by dropping them into a tiny swimming pool.Lowry医生将老鼠放入微型游泳池,测量它们的压力水平.Lowry is not an endpoint assay , so... -
2024年07月05日 21:41:43邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。The stamp was a dull blue colour.这段微妙、晦暗的时期刚刚开始, 他就向国会作了 “ 伸出和平之手 ” 的演说.Early in this strange twilight period, he delivered his " outstretched hand " peace speech to the Reichstag.伯莎望着窗外晦暗的天色.Bertha w... -
2024年07月05日 16:41:41Transferrin, widely known as an iron - binding glycoprotein, is a multi - tasking protein.转铁蛋白是一种铁结合性糖蛋白, 具有多种生物学功能.The human brain is known to be capable multi - tasking and higher creativity.众所周知,人类的大脑有同时管理多种... -
2024年07月06日 01:08:19Three days later, she was photographed by aaircraft while resting in a Norwegian fjord ( Altenfiord ).三天后, 她在挪威海峡休息时被喷火式 侦察机 拍下照片.An arm of the sea similar to a fjord.挪威中部一城市,濒临特隆赫姆沥海峡.The country’s main port i... -
2024年07月05日 21:38:38它予人彷佛是狐皮的感觉.It feels as if it were the fur of a fox.狐皮对于居住在寒冷地区的人们非常有用.The fox had high value for settlers in cold areas.这件上衣的领子是狐皮的.The collar of this coat is fox.... -
2024年07月05日 14:35:44Dermatophagoides farinae is one of the main pathogenic mites causing human acariasis.粉尘螨是人体螨病的主要病原螨之一.The purpose of the study is to characterise 101 cases of pulmonary acariasis patients.本文总结了101例肺螨病患者的临床表现、胸部...