
  • “泡腾”造句

    2024年07月02日 15:46:45维生素泡腾片对身体有什么作用?Is vitamin bubble vacated piece what effect to have to the body?目的: 研制氧氟沙星泡腾片并建立该制剂的质量控制标准.OBJECTIVE : To prepare an effervescent tablets of ofloxacin and establish quality preparation.目的: 筛选妇科泡腾...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • sinecures造句

    2024年07月02日 17:34:26He had lined up four sinecures that I knew of.据我所知,他起码有四个挂名头衔....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • seals造句

    2024年07月02日 20:35:09A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags.一个女人把它们捡起来放入几只密封的塑料袋中。Seals basked on boulders in a flat calm.海面风平浪静,海豹在巨石上晒太阳。The seals feed mainly on fish and squid.海豹主要以鱼和乌贼为食.Protestors banged on the s...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “切除术”造句

    2024年07月02日 21:47:28小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术.Small bowel intussuception may require resection.结果包括病变部位的胃大部分切除术疗效较好.Result Subtotal gastrectomy including the lesion is better than other methods.目的: 为保留幽门的 胰 十二指肠切除术提供解剖学基础.Objective: To provide ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “蔚蓝”造句

    2024年07月02日 14:17:10大海一片蔚蓝,朵朵白云飘过。The sea was blue, and white puffy clouds sailed by.蔚蓝天空, 阳光灿烂.The sky is clear and blue, the sunlight dazzling.雪白的山峰同蔚蓝的天空交相辉映.This white peak contrasts finely with the blue sky....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “沙坑”造句

    2024年07月02日 21:59:34我打一般的沙坑球采取开立击球姿势。I play normal bunker shots with an open stance.小孩在沙坑里翻滚着玩.The children tumbled about in the sand pit.弗罗斯特在50英尺外的沙坑中击球入穴,以一杆的优势获得冠军。Frost holed a bunker shot from 50 feet to snatch the title by ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “乳酸”造句

    2024年07月02日 12:30:47这种微酸的味道是因为含有乳酸造成的。The somewhat acid flavour is caused by the presence of lactic acid.乳酸是一种具有重要工业价值的有机酸。Lactic acid is an important organic acid of industrial importance.乳酸细菌产生的酸足以使乳蛋白质凝固.Acid production of lact...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • dar造句

    2024年07月02日 06:04:47But Miss Ellen she went down dar an'she nuss Emmie.可是爱伦小姐还是去了,她在那里照料埃米.Zohdy, and the modified DZ method is then called MDZ method ( Modified Dar Zorrouk ).Zohdy 在1974年对DarZarrouk曲线(简称DZ曲线 )作了修改,修改后的DZ法,叫做...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • flair造句

    2024年07月02日 07:01:47His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。an activist with a flair for publicity善于宣传鼓动的激进主义分子Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you�...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “从犯”造句

    2024年07月02日 18:12:47她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯。She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds.他被控为谋杀罪的从犯.He was charged with being an accessory to murder.他被控告为这项罪行的从犯.He was charged with being an accessory to the crime....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • mutiny例句

    2024年07月02日 19:18:47Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.船员的不满情绪最终酿成了暴乱。He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.他发动了一场反对高级将领的兵变.There will be a mutiny if conditions do not improv...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • forbidden例句

    2024年07月02日 17:32:47Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.职业赛马骑师禁止对赛马结果下注。We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language.我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • “作解释”造句

    2024年07月02日 17:58:48“我以后会作解释的。”——“那好吧。”"I'll explain later."— 'All right then.'对你的可耻行为请作解释.Please account for your disgraceful conduct.你必须对银行失去了的金钱作解释.You must account for the missing money the Bank....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • constrained造句

    2024年07月02日 21:45:24Real change can not be constrained by the rules, hunches, or imagined.真正的变化是无法被规则制约 、 预感或想象之中.Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.温度变化缓慢,而且局限在相对较小的范围内。The iter...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13
  • removed造句

    2024年07月02日 12:46:45Convector. Fan can be added or removed.对流供热器. 可以添加或去除风扇.The poisoned food has been removed from the shops and there is no threat to public health.有毒食品已从商店取走,不会对公众健康造成威胁。Maggie's head was spinning in a daze...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-13