
  • “脱硅”造句

    2024年06月24日 02:18:48合流脱硅是简化联合法生产流程、降低能耗的有效措施.The characters of series process are suitable for the confluence desilication.本文从如何提高脱硅器通过能力方面提出了三种途径,并做了较详细的分析阐述.Thus, three ways throughput - raising capacity of the existing equipmen...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • foamed造句

    2024年06月24日 06:58:30He gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad dog.他对我咬牙切齿, 象个疯狗似地吐着白沫.Foamed butyronitrile coating, providing the best ventilation, comfortableness and flexibleness.发泡丁腈涂层, 提供最佳的透气性, 舒适、灵活.Foamed plastic materials co...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “感觉毛”造句

    2024年06月23日 19:55:48目的 感音神经性耳聋是以不可逆的听神经元损伤和感觉毛细胞丧失所致.Objective : Auditory neurons lesions and sensory hair cells loss cause irreversible sensorineural hearing loss....
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “牙槽”造句

    2024年06月24日 03:19:31结果:未受力时,大鼠的牙槽骨内即存在一定数量的前列腺素E2.Results is prostaglandin E 2 in the alveolar of rats under no influences.用全息干涉测量技术,比较5种固位体使基牙颊舌侧牙槽骨产生位移的情况.Results : The RPI clasp was found to cause the smallest bone displacement...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “经纪业”造句

    2024年06月24日 06:45:49经纪业是商品交换发展的产物.The brokerage is a result of the development of exchange in commodities.经纪业务在新的环境下呈现新的发展趋势.Brokerage appears some new characteristics.一条旧时的经纪业广告上说: 他的钱是用老办法得来的: 他挣的.An old brokerage commercial say...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • floated造句

    2024年06月24日 03:48:48The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。The logs were knocked together as they floated down the stream.圆木顺流而下时互相碰撞着.The idea was first floated before the war.这个意见最初是在战前提出的。A group of swa...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • joy造句

    2024年06月24日 00:21:49Joy and grief are extremes.喜与悲都是极端。Estela was excited , as full of joy as always.埃斯特拉象平时一样兴奋得要命.Joy put heart into a man.人逢喜事精神爽。delirious with joy欣喜若狂Now with Joy for company, she didn't pester him so muc...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • artificer造句

    2024年06月24日 00:22:49He is an artificer of great cunning.他是个很机巧的工匠.You have shown me the work of the real artificer - artisan.你已经让我看见了真正的艺术大师的作品.Artificer's art, Falling in the high - level life An apart view - world.巧匠艺术, 爱上层...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • doze例句

    2024年06月24日 01:00:50In one room, young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。After lunch I had a doze.吃过午饭,我小睡了会儿。I had a doze on the train.我在火车上打了个盹儿。...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “抗干扰”造句

    2024年06月24日 03:12:50实验表明:电路具有反应速度快 、 精度高、抗干扰能力强等特点.The result shows circuit is of rapid response, precision and reliability.本文主要介绍了研究PLC控制系统抗干扰的的重大意义.The article introduced the study of anti - PLC control system of great significa...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • bashful造句

    2024年06月23日 22:03:06He seemed bashful and awkward...他看起来腼腆且局促不安。She is bashful in doing [ to do ] anything.她干什么事都害羞.Don't be bashful — speak up for yourself.别害羞——你有话说出来啊.Don’t be bashful—speak up for yourself.别害羞——你有话说出来啊。He ...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • MacArthur造句

    2024年06月23日 23:06:06Towers, Battersby , North, MacArthur: parlour windows plastered with bills.客厅一扇扇窗户上满是招贴: 托尔斯啦,巴特斯比啦,诺思啦, 麦克阿瑟啦.He promptly directed the highest promotions and decorations for General MacArthur.他授予麦克阿瑟将军以最高的官阶和勋...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “概”造句

    2024年06月24日 03:40:07乘客取消航班订位,定金概不退还。If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit.该公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters.即此一端,可概其余.This single item will suff...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • kine造句

    2024年06月24日 08:43:48Thirty milch camels with colts , forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses , and ten foals.哺乳的母骆驼三十匹,各带着驹子, 母牛四十头 、 牛十头 、 驴二十头 、 驴十头.And the and leanfleshed kine did eat and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.这又丑陋、又乾...
    9144590 造句 11小时前
  • “跳绳”造句

    2024年06月24日 03:01:49他们又是跳绳,又是玩接球,等着上课铃声响起。They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell.跳绳是最有乐趣的有氧健身运动之一。Skipping is one of the most enjoyable aerobic activities.外面孩子们一边跳绳一边唱着歌。Outside, children were skipping and singing a r...
    9144590 造句 11小时前