
  • colourless造句

    2024年06月21日 13:53:41We hurried through the colourless little town set on the fast-flowing Nyakchu.我们匆匆穿过湍急的那曲河畔这个毫无生气的小镇。Her face was colourless, and she was shaking.她脸色苍白,并且浑身发抖。a colourless liquid like water像水一样无色的液体...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • mammy造句

    2024年06月21日 05:51:29Mammy's tone became wheedling.嬷嬷的口气像是在哄孩子了.In the matter of " comp'ny " Mammy was equally adamant.嬷嬷 在住宿方面的态度也一样坚决.Soon Mammy would be with her -- Ellen's Mammy , her Mammy.骑马上就要到她这里来了 ---- 爱伦的嬷嬷...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • Hesse造句

    2024年06月21日 13:19:42Rhenish - type wine from especially Hesse in western Germany.产自西德海塞的莱茵类型的酒.Demian also solidified Hesse's position as one of Europe's most eminent antiwar writers.德米安也凝固黑塞的立场作为欧洲最知名的反战作家.We also dissc...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • monster造句

    2024年06月21日 11:01:18a reported sighting of the Loch Ness monster据报道有人看见尼斯湖水怪As he onward , Cadmus retreated before him holding his spear opposite to the monster's opened jaws.它朝卡德摩斯一点点地逼过来,卡德摩斯边退却边用长矛在那怪物的大嘴前挑逗.They took to t...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • discus造句

    2024年06月21日 13:53:17He gave the discus a tremendous heave.他猛一使劲掷出铁饼.He won the discus at the Montreal Olympics.他在蒙特利尔奥运会的掷铁饼比赛中夺了冠。The young track and field athlete could already hurl the discus 60 yards.这个年轻的田径运动员已能把铁饼投掷60码远.Othe...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • “多边的”造句

    2024年06月21日 13:25:38我们生活在多边的世界,时尚的世界.We live a changing world a world of fashion.开放是多边的,也是双边的.Opening - up can be both and multilateral.在这个复杂和多边的世界中, 对于信息的需求是至关重要的.In this world of change and complexity, the need for information i...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • inappeasable例句

    2024年06月21日 15:06:38His appetite for venison seems to be inappeasable.他对鹿肉的嗜好似乎是永远无法满足....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • Benson例句

    2024年06月21日 11:10:13A sudden break in the cloud allowed rescuers to spot Michael Benson.天气的突然放晴帮助救援人员找到了迈克尔·本森。Benson signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand dollars.本森悄悄地向拍卖人做了个手势,然后把出价又抬高了1000美元.Be...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • allover造句

    2024年06月21日 02:00:41Short wave radio can propagate allover the world, making cross - country communication possible.短波无线电可传遍全地球, 达成无国界的通讯.Recruit: Those who graduate from junior middle schools allover China.招生对象: 面向全国招收初中毕业生.Our b...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • catalytically造句

    2024年06月21日 09:01:14ITQ - 27 is stable to calcination in air , absorbs hydrocarbons , and is catalytically active for hydrocarbon conversion.ITQ-27对于在空气中煅烧而言是稳定的, 可以吸附烃类,以及对烃转化具有催化活性....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • couples造句

    2024年06月21日 06:58:13I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true of many couples...我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这一说法,而且很多夫妻都的确如此。At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily a...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • episcopal造句

    2024年06月21日 06:38:31And CY Cummings has even turned High Episcopal for her.为了她,赛·卡明斯还讲了圣公会.The wedding was at the Episcopal Church.婚礼仪式是在圣公会教堂举行的.The episcopal palace of D ---- adjoins the hospital.迪涅 的主教院是和医院毗连的....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • asphyxial例句

    2024年06月21日 10:38:31Objective To study the changes of plasma bilirubin level in asphyxial neonates.目的探讨窒息新生儿血浆胆红素水平的变化.Objective To investigate the microcirculation change in asphyxial neonates and to analyze the clinical signific...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • decolorant造句

    2024年06月21日 02:35:42The adsorptive and decolorant capability of attapulgite clay on soluble anion dyes was studied.实验研究了凹凸棒石黏土(下称凹土)对水溶性阴离子染料的吸附脱色性能....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • spunk造句

    2024年06月21日 13:42:01I admired her independ-ence and her spunk.我敬佩她的独立精神和勇气。After his death, the soldier was cited for spunk.那位士兵死后因作战勇敢而受到表彰.Show some spunk . Quit pretending you're being abused.慷慷慨慨! 甭装可怜虫!...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16