
  • supererogatory造句

    2024年06月21日 10:34:35It was supererogatory for her to gloat ( Mary McCarthy )她也在一旁幸灾乐祸地看得出神,真是多余 ( 玛丽麦卡锡 )It was supererogatory of her to gloat.她没必要幸灾乐祸....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • “穷尽性”造句

    2024年06月21日 08:00:44这些缺陷是例证性的,而不是穷尽性的.The research is not an exhaustive but an exemplary one....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • tragedies例句

    2024年06月21日 05:42:35It's the latest in a long line of tragedies.这是一长串悲剧事件中最新的一件。The tragedies begin to interlock.悲剧开始相互交叠。Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's best known tragedies.《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的悲剧之一....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • exiting造句

    2024年06月21日 12:11:31Since there are four reflections, the exiting image will be right - handed.因为共有四次反射, 出射的像将是右手座标系.Reasons of forming first cracks were foundry lacuna, impurity gathering , lard exiting.铸造缺陷 、 杂质元素偏聚和夹杂物的存在是形成早期裂...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • mans造句

    2024年06月21日 10:22:44Mans looked ruefully at his bottle of champagne.曼斯沮丧地看了看他那瓶香槟酒.To be sure, Ethernet has some serious competitors in both MANs and WANs.可以肯定地说,在城域网和广域网方面, 以太网都有厉害的竞争者.The world champion racing driver met his Wat...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • startled造句

    2024年06月21日 09:11:31Lindbergh was startled at the ferocious depth of anti-British feeling.反英情绪之深之烈令林德伯格大为震惊。She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨突然笑容满面地出现在门口时,她吓了一跳。The telephone startled him.电话铃声吓了他一跳。...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • bows造句

    2024年06月21日 09:57:31Bows crossbows, and slings bestow the energy upon their ammunition.弓 、 和投石器将此能量施加于其弹药上.They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows.他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。Bows crossbows, and slings bestow the bonus damage upon ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • escalations例句

    2024年06月21日 07:35:31This gives you more control in determining when escalations can be used.这在自动调整被使用时给了您更多的控制.Implement and apply project management processes, documentation, progress reporting, status meetings, escalations etc.实...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • mixture造句

    2024年06月21日 08:59:32They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.他们带着一种恐惧、嫉妒和敬畏交织在一起的复杂心情望着他。Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals...用两把小匙将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。A mixture of ferrite cementite f...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • howitzers例句

    2024年06月21日 00:43:33They are mortars , howitzers , cannons , long - range artillery, rocket guns and self - propelled guns.是迫击炮、弹炮 、 浓炮、程火炮 、 箭炮、行火炮.LONG - RANGE FIRE is similar to the way howitzers proceed.流动火箭弹发射车的长程射击与榴弹炮的射击方式类...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • marconi造句

    2024年06月21日 09:55:32Marconi now found that he could transmit Morse Code signals.他现在可以用它来发送和接收莫尔斯电码了.This third demonstration was naturally a very important one for Marconi.当然,这次实验对马可尼来说十分重要.We owe it to Marconi and Bell that we ca...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • “异构”造句

    2024年06月21日 10:04:43它们叫做构象异构体,也叫做异象体.They are said to be conformational isomers also called conformers.然而 “ 立体异构”一词通常只限于镜象异构.The team'stereoisomerism " however, is generally restricted to mirror image isomerism.异构体被定义为化学式相同而结...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • gauze造句

    2024年06月21日 10:46:44Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。When you put the marriage gauze of love, I will clothe monks of cassocks.当你穿上爱情的婚纱, 我将披上僧侣的袈裟.Iithography comprise the: brushless gum, stick...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • seconds造句

    2024年06月21日 08:26:46He has been clocked at 11 seconds for 100 metres.他100米跑了11秒。Thirty seconds later she reappeared and beckoned them forward.30秒后她又出现了,示意他们往前来。Davies finished almost two seconds in arrears for third place.戴维斯落后了差不...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16
  • flowline造句

    2024年06月21日 03:10:44In flowcharting, a connector which illustrates continuation of a broken flowline.在流程图中,表示断开的流线继续的一种连接符.Any deviation in the flowline temperature trend.钻井液出口管温度如有任何变化....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-16