2024年06月23日 21:31:05She shrugged a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.她把一缕散发从眼前甩开。"Do you mind if I wait?" I asked. Melanie shrugged: "Please yourself."我问道:“要不我等会儿吧?”梅拉妮耸耸肩说:“随你便。”When I finally posed the question, "Why?" he merel... -
2024年06月24日 00:40:42As comets go, it is a whopper.就彗星而言,它可是个庞然大物。The earth crosses the tracks of certain comets.地球穿过某些彗星的轨迹线.Most stars probably have their quota of planets, meteorids, comets, and asteroids.多数恒星也许还拥有若干行星 、 流星 、 彗星... -
2024年06月08日 10:02:43每场表演期间,我们将以抽彩方法送出大奖。During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize.这家超市以抽彩给奖法售出了50只表.The supermarket raffled fifty watches.抽彩仪式星期六举行.The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.... -
2024年07月02日 09:22:58Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.人生就应该是快乐的,要抓住每一天,孩子们,让你们的生活变得非凡起来。She was a woman with extraordinary vibrancy and extraordinary knowledge.她是一位充满活力、博学多识的女子。Edwin H. Conger was envo... -
2024年06月29日 09:03:46Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock...纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。Scientists are attempting to discover exactly what makes cheetahs the fastest running animals on the planet.科学家正... -
2024年06月12日 07:29:53他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.分配给他们的房子舒适宽敞,并配齐了工作人员。The house allocated to them was pleasant and spacious, and well-staffed.用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。Garn... -
2024年06月30日 00:03:13The Foreign Secretary's remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.外交大臣的话对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清。He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before... -
2024年07月02日 08:17:43By midnight the crowd had thinned.半夜时分,人群渐渐散去了。They thinned out a stand to create a lush forest tomorrow.他们除去了林场中多余的树木,以利来日森林长得更茂密.The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle.小河越来越窄,最后变成了涓涓细流.... -
2024年07月02日 07:58:51塔基则用能耐海水腐蚀的玻璃块填实.Taki is the capability to use sea water corrosion of glass block is filled.... -
2024年07月03日 02:09:03Why do you agonize yourself with the thought of your failure?你为何总是对于你的失败念念不忘而自我折磨 呢 ?I agonize for a while before buying a new toothbrush.而我,在买一支牙刷之前还要挣扎一番.Don't stress, don't agonize – just go with t... -
2024年07月03日 02:29:01Joseph watched a shady-looking bunch playing cards aboard a Mississippi steamer.约瑟夫看到一群可疑的人在密西西比河的一艘轮船上打牌。Like the Mississippi, it just keeps rolling along.它就像密西西比河河水一样不断地滚滚向前.The water level of the Mississippi... -
line up例句
2024年07月03日 17:23:21I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play.我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。Line up against the window so that you can be seen.在窗子旁站成一排,这样人家就能看见你们了.Line up the glasses and I'll fill them.把玻璃杯排好,我来把它们倒满.... -
2024年07月03日 08:00:11...the high rate of absenteeism.高旷课率There were strict sanctions against absenteeism.旷工会受到严厉的处分.Absenteeism is a problem in some industries.某些企业中存在经常有人旷工的问题.Absenteeism has cost the organization thousands of wor... -
2024年07月03日 20:42:02黄烷胶很重要,因为它比古尔胶在较高温度时更稳定.The xanthan gum is important because it has higher temperature stability than guar gum.合成16个黄烷酮 -7-O- 乙酸 、 乙酸酯 、 乙酰氨基酸和二肽衍生物.Sixteen flavanone - 7 - O - acetic acids, acetates, acetyl am... -
2024年06月12日 19:20:43Ade is the man keenly awake to the change.艾德是一个对变化异常敏感的人。Ade's constant absences from work made his boss very angry.艾德经常旷工使他的老板很生气.Ade has been widely tipped as the Prime Minister.很多人认为艾德将继任首相.Ade and Broo...