2024年06月28日 15:22:44We human are creature of spirituality living with meaning.我们人类是生活在有意义的精神领域里....a story which makes clear the modern enigma of spirituality.解开现代灵性之谜的故事This type of music has a negitive influence on our spiritual... -
2024年06月28日 11:29:45预期今年汽车的产量会和去年持平。It expected to maintain production of cars at the same level as last year.提起诉讼的数量持平,有罪判决率下降。The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen.货币市场上的供求将大致持平。Supp... -
2024年06月28日 16:53:58现在是个机会,蔬果店可通过销售土产胜过超市。Here is a chance for greengrocers to win out over the supermarkets by selling local produce.当地的那些小旅馆通常是既肮脏又尽是跳蚤; 食物只不过是本地土产乳酪就着存放了经常12个月的陈面包, 都用粗制的酒送下肚去.Such inns as there were were genera... -
2024年06月28日 14:10:54These results underscore the value of rescue medications in averting psychotic relapse.这些结果显示了救护性治疗对避免精神病复发的价值.Intravenous infusions are also used to administer medications.静脉输液也可作为一种给药方法.Other lines of attack ... -
2024年06月28日 12:46:58在设计房子时, 家与家之间留间隔十至十二码.In designing the houses, space out them from 10 to 12 yards apart.... -
2024年06月28日 18:43:10Oxidized wax modified by amidation reaction to produce acylamide with better physical and chemical properties.氧化蜡经过胺改性可以得到具有更佳物化性能的脂肪酸酰胺.A new leather fatliquor product was synthesized by amidation, esterificat... -
2024年06月28日 16:10:00Faber jerked upward , catapulting himself out of his seat. His head hit the roofthe jeep.费伯突然纵身跳离座位, 脑袋咚地一声撞在车棚上.We've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dan... -
2024年06月19日 03:24:27用强力绷带托住伤处。Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area.必须将表层皮肤移植到烫伤处。The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns.在伤处喷洒一些酸性物质将有助于去掉蛰痛.Pouring something acidic on the wound will help take the sting... -
2024年06月19日 01:43:31To coat or cover with a thin layer of metal by electrodeposition.用涂料,金属等的稀少外层覆盖.A process for acid lead free tin - bismuth alloy electrodeposition was advanced.提出了一种酸性锡铋合金电沉积工艺.The high quality No.1 negative po... -
2024年06月19日 07:49:54She was in a bullish mood about the future of the company.她对公司的未来充满信心。Fundamentalists would say crude is bullish whether it's a 10 - week hellogh or low.不管原油是10周的最高点,还是最低点,基本派都是看涨的.The market opened in a b... -
2024年07月04日 08:43:14身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all.妇女的平均月经周期是28天。The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.她于13岁开始有正常的月经,周期为2... -
2024年07月05日 05:44:04Elisabeth's mind tripped over the word " death ".伊丽莎白的脑子里掠过了 “ 死 ” 字.And entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elisabeth.40进了撒迦利亚的家,问以利沙伯安.Friends recalled Elisabeth's prophetic words of sev... -
2024年07月05日 05:20:53Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing?Millie, 带来了跳舞的录音带 吗 ?Millie is already f with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.米莉早已熟悉中国星象中的12个动物生肖.Jeff: Of course, they have strange appearances, such as... -
2024年07月04日 13:21:12The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.这门学位课程经电气工程师... -
2024年07月05日 06:39:09The captain and his lieutenant rushed to the companionway.舰长和海军上尉急忙冲到甲板梯口....