
  • Antony造句

    2024年06月20日 14:22:34Antony's wry smile disconcerted Sutcliffe...安东尼的怪笑让萨克利夫不知所措。Antony's wry smile disconcerted Sutcliffe.安东尼的怪笑让萨克利夫不知所措。Tony was christened Antony.托尼领洗时命名安东尼.In his lonely meditations Antony had been fo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • Nazi例句

    2024年06月20日 21:32:01Ownership is not clear because of expropriations in the Nazi era.纳粹时期的征用致使所有权不明确。a Nazi concentration camp纳粹集中营She avenged her mother's death upon the Nazi soldiers.她惩处了纳粹士兵以报杀母之仇....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • requires造句

    2024年06月20日 23:43:24Drugs are a problem that requires constant vigilance.需要对毒品问题长期保持警惕。Calumny requires no proof.诽谤无需证据。All citizens must do as the law requires.凡是公民均应按法律的要求办事。The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen...大脑需要持...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • Nutmeg造句

    2024年06月21日 01:38:21...a hearty soup delicately flavoured with nutmeg.加了肉豆蔻调味的足料浓汤Black Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Cumin Seed, Caraway Seed, Nutmeg, Cassia.采购产品黑色的胡椒粉, 姜, 郁金,时萝种子, 葛缕子种子, 肉豆寇, 决明.Mix the chicken meat with half of th...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • fleeces例句

    2024年06月21日 14:20:40In the winter, sheep have thick fleeces.冬天, 绵羊的毛很厚.These sheep have fine thick fleeces.这些绵羊的毛又细又厚....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “指出”造句

    2024年06月13日 06:04:58我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.他们会认真分析那个问题,指出其症结所在。They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail.该委员会明确指出住房不足是威胁村民生活的根本问题。The ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • carrots造句

    2024年06月12日 22:31:14Peel the carrots and cut them into shreds.将胡罗卜削皮,切成丝.Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender...将胡萝卜蒸至刚好变软。...grilled fish surrounded by a ring of thinly cut carrots.边上放着一圈薄胡萝卜片的烤鱼...root cr...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • even out例句

    2024年06月13日 12:57:27House prices keep rising and falling but they will eventually even out.房价有涨有落,但终会稳定的.The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.经理把工作尽量平均分配给雇员.That light could emerge even out of...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • privations例句

    2024年06月13日 13:45:27The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.从他的外表来看可以明显看出修道院生活的清贫。the privations of poverty艰难困苦The good grace with which they face the latest privations makes the mind boggle.他们面对最近的贫困所表现出的坦...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • kidnappings造句

    2024年06月13日 13:53:16There have been scores of kidnappings by political extremists in the past year.去年就有政治上极端分子所作的很多起绑架案.The region has kidnappings targeting foreign firms in the past two years.过去两年来,这个地区曾发生多起针对外国公司的绑架案.I opened ha...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • barbarian造句

    2024年06月13日 19:41:14Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian...我们的数学老师是个坏蛋,一个彻头彻尾的野蛮人。The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.家族里的其他人员认为,这样的制服只适合野蛮人或最低贱的人穿。We ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • daydreamer造句

    2024年06月14日 02:41:52She was a habitual daydreamer.她总是耽于幻想。Don't trust him any more. He is always living as a daydreamer.别再相信他了, 他是个一直住在空中楼阁里的空想家.A developed and strong imagination does not make you an impractical daydreamer.一...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • adagio造句

    2024年06月13日 17:20:06play adagio慢慢演奏Youliang tune the main plate , Adagio, lubrication plate, cutting board.主要板式有亮调 、 慢板 、 流润滑板 、 剁板.Sally's trying to set a fight with Adagio?赛利想要安排一场和阿达乔的比赛?Adagio for Strings Adapt to 5 Basso...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • “齿形的”造句

    2024年06月14日 09:47:52从而为范成法加工任意齿形的齿轮奠定了理论基础.Then, a theoretical foundation is established for gear generation with arbitary profile.本文采取计算和实测方法分析了齿轮滚刀重磨后齿形的变化,认为齿面畸变是重磨齿形误差的主要原因.It is believed that the flank distortion is the main ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03
  • asses造句

    2024年06月14日 04:46:00Sometimes I got to kick asses to make this place run right.有时我为了把这个地方搞得像个样子,也不得不踢踢别人的屁股.And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence.他们就把粮食驮在驴上, 离开那里去了.I find no pleasure in seeing people make ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-03