2024年06月18日 15:27:34Next, it is broad farmer milepost of valedictory of tradition of Xiang Shiju bungalow.其次, 它是广大农民向世居平房传统离别的里程碑.The association of industry of milepost China dairy produce of industry dairy produce held water eve... -
2024年06月18日 13:29:33He has probably said goodbye to his last chance of Olympic gold.他可能已经失去了夺取奥运会金牌的最后机会。An Olympic gold medal is the most sought-after prize in world sport.在世界体坛上,一枚奥运会金牌是最令人向往的奖项。The Olympic organisers say that m... -
2024年06月18日 18:11:32" Miss Scarlett, dat a fe'el han's bizness." 思嘉小姐, 这种事情是干大田活的黑人做的.The Federal Marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional Facility.我戴着手铐,被联邦执法官带往圣菲县成人管教所.A - Fe 2 O 3 ... -
2024年06月18日 18:46:35It is crucial that all documents presented are authentic and easily verifiable.所有提交的文件必须真实且易于查证,这一点很关键。Unfortunately, they do not offer any reliable alternative method for obtaining verifiable knowledge.不幸的是, 他... -
2024年06月18日 17:29:35很多新建院校的管理不尽人意.The management of many new colleges was less than satisfactory.艺术院校的校舍设备短缺的矛盾不可能马上得以解决.Arts institutions shortage of school facilities can not be resolved immediately.据普林斯顿教育咨询称,进入医学院校的竞争很激烈.The P... -
2024年06月18日 18:43:35By contrast , the process for goethite and manganite were exothermic.硼在针铁矿、水锰矿上的吸附为放热过程,解吸为吸热过程.Is Hell exothermic ( gives off heat ) or endothermic ( absorbs heat )?地狱是散 发热量 还是吸收热量?They know nothing about exot... -
2024年06月18日 17:56:35We slept in hammocks slung beneath the roof.我们睡在悬在房顶下的吊床上。They work and play in hammocks, are born and die there.印第安人工作在此,嬉戏在此.生于此, 也死于此.Interested in traditional crafts such as hammocks , wood carvings and pot... -
2024年06月18日 15:37:36In his autobiographical poem ‘The Prelude’, Wordsworth describes his boyhood in the Lakes.在他的自传体诗《序曲》中,华茲华斯描述了自己在英格兰北部湖区的童年生活。In his autobiographical poem'The Prelude ', Wordsworth describes his boyho... -
2024年06月18日 07:33:38这不过是尺蠖之屈,不要泄气.It's just a temporary setback. Don't be discouraged.杨尺蠖属鳞翅目尺蛾科,是我区农田防护林主要食叶害虫之一.Apocheima cinerarius is one of main leaf eating pests in the area.不要吃我! 我是只尺蠖. 我很有用处. 我可以测量东西.Don't e... -
2024年06月18日 10:15:37The murderer’s entreaties for mercy availed to nothing.无人理会杀人犯的求饶。No words availed to pacify him.说什么也不能使他平静下来.But what availed his expressions or his air?但是神态和表情有什么用 呢 ?The murderer's entreaties for mercy ... -
2024年06月18日 05:37:38The polymer film's hydrophile was test with contact angle machine.利接触测试仪该聚合膜性.No poison. no taste, pollution and inorganic metal, a chemical property stable, good hydrophile.为无毒、无味 、 无污染的无机非金属材料, 化学性质稳定, 具... -
2024年06月18日 15:53:40Britain's future as a leading industrial nation depends on investment.作为一个主要工业国英国的未来要倚赖投资。These abandoned children have now got a future...这些被抛弃的孩子现在有了希望。Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and ... -
2024年06月18日 14:59:40下降的部分原因在于英镑对美元的升值。The drop was caused partly by the pound's strength against the dollar.我决定把这张照片水印以下的部分裁掉。I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.该公司租下了这栋大楼,占用了一部分并转租了其余的部分。The company rent... -
2024年06月18日 17:27:40They are crediting science with power it doesn't possess.他们过分夸大了科学的力量。The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe's life...职员们称赞他救了海丝的命。The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe'... -
2024年06月18日 17:16:40约十一5耶稣素来爱马大,和她妹妹,并拉撒路.Jn .11:5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.耶稣就明明的告诉他们说 、 拉撒路死了.Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.到了四点半, 又象拉撒路一样死而复生.他们再度出现、回家.At 4:30, like Lazarus the dea...