
  • Alfonso造句

    2024年06月29日 19:49:19Alfonso: Just bring yourself! I will supply all the food and drinks.艾方索: 人来就行了! 我会准备所有的食物和饮料.Other poets classed as hermetic include Mario Luzi and Alfonso Gatto.归入赫尔墨斯式的诗人还有M· 卢齐和A· 加托....a hotel built to acco...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “警戒圈”造句

    2024年06月29日 18:47:45这一地区周围设有严密的安全警戒圈.There is a tight security cordon around the area....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “可启动”造句

    2024年06月29日 19:55:10这些从属 测试室 将可启动掳掠者的生产.The add - ons will enable the production of marauders.异黄酮可启动体内 抗氧化 系统,清除自由基.Isoflavone Aglycone can activate the anti - oxidization system in the body to eliminate free - radicals.此时操作者可启动旋转...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • clippings造句

    2024年06月29日 16:07:38Finally she studied the magazine clippings.最后她仔细看了杂志剪报.Having mown the lawn, there are all those grass clippings to get rid of.修剪草坪后有很多剪下的碎草需要清理。In the candlelight , at the table, she studied the clippings.在烛光中...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “阈值”造句

    2024年06月29日 18:20:12在装有空调设备的实验室里,准确地调节阈值应变是很容易做到的.In an air - conditioned laboratory precise adjustment of the threshold strain can be achieved quite easily.神经网络权值和阈值的优化方法.Optimum Method About Weights and Thresholds of Neural Netw...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • complacent造句

    2024年06月29日 18:42:12a dangerously complacent attitude to the increase in unemployment对失业增加抱满不在乎的危险态度Complacent cat cross a tiger force , depilate husband and wife to be inferior to chicken.自得猫儿强过虎, 脱毛鸾凤不如鸡.He is complacent very on...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • kicks造句

    2024年06月29日 10:44:07They made a few small bets for kicks.他们觉得好玩便小赌了几把。They aimed kicks at his shins.他们踢向他的小腿。Never walk behind a horse in case it kicks out ( at you ).千万不要走在马后,它会踢你的....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “憩室炎”造句

    2024年06月30日 00:03:29有症状的十二指肠憩室炎罕见.Symptomatic duodenal diverticulitis is rare.目的探讨回盲部憩室炎的诊断和手术方式的选择.Objective To investigate the diagnosis and surgical procedure selection ileocecal diverticulitis....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • splurge造句

    2024年06月29日 23:36:22(on) splurge on a new hat花很多钱买了一顶帽子I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.我相信,银行里存有足够的钱能让我破费一回买双好鞋。Billionaires swarmed into Nice to splurge millions duri...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “泪腺”造句

    2024年06月30日 03:07:12泪水是由泪腺分泌的.Tears are secreted by the tear glands.泪腺和唾液腺淋巴细胞增生,可引起两侧腺体无痛性肿大.Proliferation of lymphocytes in lacrimal and salivary glands may cause bilateral painless enlargement.目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症.Objective To...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • trademarks造句

    2024年06月29日 16:36:48Intangible assets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and franchise.无形资产包括商誉 、 专利权 、 商标 、 版权, 以及专营权.Motrin and Nuprin are trademarks of brands of ibuprofen tablets.Nuprin和Motrin均是布洛芬的商标.Beautiful...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • stems造句

    2024年06月30日 00:48:41One endophytic stain SS 02 was isolated from the underground stems of Paris polyphylla var. Chinensis franch.从华重楼(Parispolyphyllavar·ChinensisFranch)的地下块茎中分离到一株内生细菌(SS02),试验表明其发酵液对13种作物致病菌的生长有抑制作用.This complete...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • implicated造句

    2024年06月29日 14:05:50He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal...当他的一位助手牵涉进一起金融丑闻时,他被迫辞职。By the end of 2006, Ketek had been implicated in 53 cases of hepatotoxic effects.截至2006年底, Kete...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • infirmly例句

    2024年06月29日 23:11:41Incorporate is in 5 respects: Administrative function is changed infirmly.具体表现在五个方面: 治理功能弱化.But overall look, defray aspiration is exhausted it is general situation infirmly.但是总体看, 支出意愿疲弱是普遍状况.Ask infirmly infi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • verandah造句

    2024年06月30日 05:58:35She was safe from predatory birds on the verandah.在阳台上她不会遭到猛禽的袭击.the slow passage of a snail across the verandah蜗牛缓慢地爬过阳台Horn made him a sign to come onto the verandah.荷恩向他打了个手势,要他到游廊上去.Men in straw boaters and...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09