
  • “大错”造句

    2024年06月17日 19:01:50心理测试能够使组织机构避免犯下损失惨重的大错。Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes.亚历克斯,你真是大错特错,你对局势的判断根本不对。You couldn't be more mistaken, Alex. You've utterly misread the situation.如果你认为我...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • ITTF例句

    2024年06月17日 12:45:18Double Happiness Super Standard Ball standard of ITTF for any match.红双喜超级三星乒乓球国际乒联(ITTF)特准之比赛用球.ITTF stands for International Table Tennis Federation.ITTF是国际乒乓球联合会的简称.What does ITTF stand for?ITTF表示什么?...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • azole造句

    2024年06月17日 05:34:35Azole and triazole drugs are cytochrome P 450 inhibitors widely used as fungal antibiotics and antimycobacterial actiity.唑类和三氮唑类药物作为细胞色素P450抑制剂广泛被作为抗真菌药物和抗微生物药物使用.Objective : To develop the method for the deter...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • bugler造句

    2024年06月17日 11:56:35The general ordered the bugler to sound the retreat.将军命令号手吹号收兵.The little bugler bravely squared up to his enemy.小号手英勇地面对敌人.The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.走私者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • guide造句

    2024年06月17日 11:42:27This is it, folks: the best record guide in the business.就是这个,伙计们,业内最好的唱片指南。A guide gives a brief talk on the history of the site.导游简要地介绍了那个遗址的历史。The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.指南上有对每个饭店...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “住在…”造句

    2024年06月12日 05:39:19欧内斯特·布朗住在离骚乱发生处几个街区远的地方。Ernest Brown lives about a dozen blocks from where the riots began.当然,她现在住在寄宿学校那边。Of course, now she is away at boarding school.凯莱布在主人外出旅行时与皮埃尔的父母住在一起。When his master's off travelin...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • homelessness造句

    2024年06月19日 06:58:32Five decades later, Nian , 76, is on the verge of homelessness.50年后, 现年 76岁的年世福却到了无家可归的地步.These are the days of dispossession, the season of homelessness, the time of evictions.现在是强占豪夺的日子, 是无家可归的季节, 是被撵出家门的时候.....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “双元音”造句

    2024年06月19日 03:19:24有时你又把单词开头的辅音和双元音含糊掉.And then you slur by dropping initial letters and diphthongs.'双元音是元音的组合.Diphthongs are complex ions of vowels....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • remote造句

    2024年06月19日 07:24:52...remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements.将泰米尔聚居区和穆斯林聚居区隔开的偏远边境地区Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past, and formed this hole.在久远的过去,岩石板滑落到周边,从而形成了这个洞。He reached for the remote...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • nutritious造句

    2024年06月18日 22:05:58It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious foods.选择好吃的、营养价值高的食物总是很重要。Some ready made meals are nutritious and very easy to prepare.一些预制膳食很有营养,而且烹调起来很简单。To help provide essential nourishment, we'...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “浮夸”造句

    2024年06月19日 00:44:05我们喜欢他的诚实、不浮夸。We like him for his honesty, his lack of pretension.她抨击同事“言辞浮夸做作”。She attacked her colleagues for indulging in "grandiose and grandiloquent language".他的衣着在这种严肃场合太浮夸了.His clothes were rather flamboy...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • crystallizing造句

    2024年06月19日 03:58:59The purpose of ( a ) is to facilitate fiberization and of ( b ) to reduce crystallizing tendency.办法 ( a ) 的目的是改善纤维形成,办法 ( b ) 的目的是减少折晶倾向.Crystallizing water forms repeating patterns in snowflakes and on frosty ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • CCD造句

    2024年06月19日 00:55:00An automatic focusing control system for acquisition of CCD image is introduced.介绍一种应用于CCD图像采集识别的自动聚焦控制系统设计.An inversion analysis method for improvement of CCD imaging resolution is proposed.提出了一种提高ccd成像分辨力的反演解...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “鲟”造句

    2024年06月19日 12:48:00他捕捉到五条鲟鱼.He catches five sturgeon fish.鱼子酱是一种珍羞美味, 是用盐腌过的未受精的鲟鱼卵加工制成.Caviar is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed, salted, non - fertilized sturgeon roe.手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨诸塞的象征.The spinning wheel was as symbolic...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09
  • “腐殖化”造句

    2024年06月19日 03:43:45腐殖化过程与分解过程均受到抑制.Both humification and decomposition are impeded.用锦纶袋法测定小麦秸秆在潮土中的腐殖化系数为12.25%.The humification coefficient of the wheat straw determined with the nylon bag method was 12.25 %....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-09