
  • “作出”造句

    2024年06月17日 11:56:56对于现况的不满,不能只是抱怨,要有勇气作出改变。If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.海关官员们对这种设备作出了一系列互相矛盾的陈述。Customs officials have made a series of contradicto...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • indoctrinate造句

    2024年06月17日 00:13:59to indoctrinate someone with political propaganda把政治宣传资料灌输给某人The writer wants to indoctrinate the readers with the idea.作者想把这种想法灌输给读者.I wouldn't say that she was trying to indoctrinate us.我不认为她在竭力向我们灌输一种信仰...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “迁入”造句

    2024年06月17日 05:56:01这对新婚夫妇迁入新居.The newly married couple moved into their new home.不断有报道称村民被强制从农村迁入城镇定居。Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns.起了任何性质的物理变化之后, 迁入也要受到防碍.After p...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • eject造句

    2024年06月16日 18:23:03This safety invention will eject the pilot from a burning plane.这个安全装置会把飞行员从燃烧着的飞机中弹出.Plastic injection mould , coolant passages, eject pin and electrical heating holes.塑胶射出模具?冷却水孔 、 射梢孔及电热孔.Plastic injection m...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • seams造句

    2024年06月17日 12:51:02Front and back sleeve seams place along armhole seam, 8?正面和背面套沿袖窿缝接缝的地方, 8?Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.煤层和铁矿混杂在一起.All of our hospitals are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urgently.所有的医院...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • auriferous造句

    2024年06月17日 10:27:40Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type.金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型.The occurrence and distribution auriferous quartz is strictly controlled by NNE - NE fault.含金石英脉的产出和分布严格受NNE—NE向断裂控制.The geochemical characteris...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • scenario造句

    2024年06月17日 11:29:40The prevailing scenario will depend on the success of upland agricultural intensification.这主要将取决于旱地农业集约化的成功....the doomsday scenario of civil war between the two factions.两个派系之间的内战可能会带来世界末日般的灾难The more likely s...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • anaphylactoid造句

    2024年06月17日 05:05:41Can you give some examples of anaphylactoid reactions ? How do you diagnose these reactions?请举几个类过敏反应的例子,你是如何诊断的?What is the difference between anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions?过敏反应与类过敏反应的区别?Anaphylacti...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “亚述的”造句

    2024年06月17日 00:32:42很难确定巴比伦和亚述的司法管辖权.It is difficult to discuss the administration of justice in Babylonia and Assyria.犹大面对残暴的、无惧的亚述的力量.Judah was facing the brutal and fearless Assyrian power.第三道河名叫希底结,流在亚述的东边.The name the third t...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “螺丝的”造句

    2024年06月17日 14:12:22安装螺丝的扭力,请严酷遵守目录所标明的扭力.Lock the mounting bolts according to the torque marked in the catalogue.两到三段的脱料板结构应该由2平衡的方便起吊螺丝的?Strippers of 2 or 3 piece construction are to have 2 balanced?自攻螺丝的螺纹会在孔内切割出内螺纹孔,然后锁紧两块铁板.T...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • disk造句

    2024年06月16日 23:29:42They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他们派出维修人员来修磁盘驱动器。Bezant : a flat disk used as an ornament.银币饰: 一种用作装饰的平盘.A secretary can file papers as efficiently as a floppy disk can store them.秘书归档文件时可以像软盘...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • dragline例句

    2024年06月17日 14:12:22Furthermore, dragline silk is elastic, which many of the man - made fibers are not.而且, 牵引丝具有弹性, 这是许多人造纤维所不具备的.Objective To obtain the whole length gene of dragline.目的为获得蜘蛛拖丝蛋白全基因.Araneus diadematus dragline sil...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • penetrating造句

    2024年06月17日 11:05:22...dark penetrating eyes.锐利的黑眼睛a penetrating analysis透彻的分析The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.身穿黑大衣的男子目光犀利地扫了另外一名男子一眼。Mary heard the penetrating bell of an ambulance.玛丽听到了刺耳的救...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “直率的”造句

    2024年06月17日 07:32:52对了如指掌 、 坦白直率的回答,他似乎颇受感动.He seemed impressed by her informed, straightforward answers.在这一伙人中间,斯佩尔给人以最直率的印象.Speer made the most straightforward impression of all.在性伴双方之间的坦诚和直率的语言交流因而非常重要.Open and explicit verbal ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • mutineers造句

    2024年06月16日 19:59:54Heaven forgive them,'said the doctor;'tis the mutineers!'“愿上帝宽恕他们, ” 医生说, “ 那是反叛分子! ”Outmanoeuvred, the mutineers surrendered.反叛者被智取后投降....negotiations between the mutineers and their superior of...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10