2024年07月02日 19:41:49The quality of this pair of bloodstone bracelets is very good.这对鸡血石的镯子成色很好.Most of them are painted red with bloodstone powder and ox blood.南系岩画大都以红色涂绘,颜料是以赤铁矿粉调合牛血等而成的.Bloodstone now gives you bonus health and... -
2024年07月02日 19:29:44The safety of tacrine has not yet been proven, and there is concern that it causes damage to the liver.他克林的安全性尚未得到证实,有人担心它会对肝脏造成损害。... -
2024年07月02日 10:37:49Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling.选用了粉红色和米色,以跟从天花板的颜色。Semi flexible tiles 2.00 mm thick 12 inch square to spec EN 654 Colours required greys and beiges.半柔性瓷砖2米厚,12平方英寸,规范的EN654色,要求... -
2024年07月02日 15:13:50The chanting inside the temple stopped.寺庙内的诵经声停了。The students gave him a rapturous welcome, chanting in unison: "We want the king!"学生们给予了他热烈的欢迎,他们齐声高喊:“我们要国王!”The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him... -
2024年07月02日 18:24:08这几个盆地的底部有沙漠 、 湖泊和沼泽.On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.周围的地低洼而多沼泽.The surrounding land is low and marshy.士兵们陷在沼泽中.The soldiers became bogged in the swamp.... -
2024年07月02日 15:28:55The French, suddenly outnumbered, were forced to retreat.人数突然处于劣势的法军被迫撤退。The French, suddenly outnumbered, were forced to retreat...人数突然处于劣势的法军被迫撤退。The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in.抵抗者寡不敌众,只能投降... -
2024年07月02日 17:41:41An EKG test measures the rate and regularity of your child's heartbeat.心电图能够测量出孩子的心跳的速度和规则性.Objective To assess the EKG occurring in acute barium poisoning.目的探讨急性钡中毒时心电图异常的临床意义.I leaned over the EKG machin... -
2024年07月02日 17:32:41There are multitudes of islands on the Pacific.太平洋中有许多岛屿.Not seldom , it had been seen by multitudes.许多人都曾多次见过.Vast multitudes of birds visit this lake in spring.春天有大批的鸟飞临此湖.... -
2024年07月02日 18:02:45Megan's arrival on Montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful.?梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到欢迎,最初也平安无事.Montserrat actually sees the discovery of the tomb as beneficial to King Tut's soul.蒙瑟雷特认为,陵墓的发现其实对塔特王的... -
2024年07月02日 17:34:44Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.玛丽·居里的遗体被移出葬在先贤祠中.The body was interred at the cemetery.遗体埋葬在公墓里.The body was interred at that cemetery.尸体下葬在那个公墓.... -
2024年07月02日 16:05:51Hooky, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.胡基自然要坐两次最恐怖的过山车来表现一下自己的男子汉气概了。The bus driver drove with machismo through a tangle of marrow streets.公共汽车司机得意洋洋地驱车在狭小的街巷中穿行.Machis... -
2024年07月02日 20:55:50后者不经胶化,而只被木粉吸收.The latter is not gelatinized but only absorbed by woodmeal.在此期间粉在电镀版加热内侧开始胶化.Das Kuhlwasser wird mit entsprechender Reinigung und entsprechendem Frischwasserzulauf im Kreislauf gefuehrt.研究用未胶化的木... -
2024年07月02日 15:56:52现在欧共体越来越有自信与权威性了。The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.波兰和捷克斯洛伐克已经积极寻求加入欧共体。Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.北约与欧共体都明白他们不可能再像以前那样高枕无忧了。Both... -
2024年07月02日 19:35:07The main snag about indexation lay in the indexation of wages.指数化的主要障碍在于薪资的指数化.There is a long history of indexation proposals for living with inflation.顺应通胀的指数化提议已有着多年的历史.Thus, the portfolio of indexation fund... -
2024年07月02日 20:27:42Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves.爱情是具有滋养~扩展~和保护作用的不朽的能量之流....his house, which, however elaborate, is less ostentatious than the preserves of other Dallas tycoons.他的那所尽管装...