2024年07月02日 20:21:43The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things.他这次探险的最大收获就是重新发现了自己对动手制作物品与生俱来的热忱。They are the rediscovery of teachers, green model of educational development a... -
2024年07月02日 22:39:56Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions.她心中的情感似波涛汹涌,起伏不定。The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.独木舟在旋涡之中摇晃打转.The boat flipped and hurled its passengers into the maelstrom.这时,小船翻转过来,把上面的乘客都甩进了大漩涡之中... -
2024年07月03日 00:43:56桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。Zanzibar's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964.苏丹仍是名义上的参谋长。The Sultan was still nominally the Chief of Staff.作为对最后通牒的回应,苏丹甚至威胁说要动员军队。... -
2024年07月03日 01:07:07小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原.Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.山涧向河里倾注.A mountain stream pours into the rivers.可是夏季的炎热天气已经把所有的山涧小溪都晒干了.But the hot days of summer had dried up all the mountain brooks.... -
2024年07月02日 23:48:56他突然感到一种安宁和满足.He felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment.他们最近真是让人气不打一处来,闹得天翻地覆,搅得每个人都不得安宁。They've really been kicking ass lately — busting places up, harassing everybody.那里气氛安宁而不热闹。Its atmosphere is one... -
2024年07月02日 19:43:10他的投球在大联盟的击球员中是个传奇。His pitching was a legend among major league hitters.他已经改变了对货币联盟的态度.He has changed his stance on monetary union.该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。Each member of the alliance agrees to take such a... -
2024年07月02日 14:26:10我摘下窗帘,洗了洗,然后给它们上了浆。I took down the curtains, washed, and starched them.阿尔伯格从墙上摘下那幅肖像画。Alberg took the portrait down from the wall.我摘下了湿漉漉的手套。I pulled off my sopping mittens.... -
2024年07月02日 23:08:00A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system.这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。Lack of ex... -
2024年07月02日 22:45:03水果在暴晒下变坏了.The fruit has spoiled in the hot sun.在乡间经受过持续的暴晒后,房间里显得特别阴凉宜人。The rooms are admirably cool and shady after the hot brown monotony of the countryside.但不可在阳光下暴晒.But after washing , don't hang them ... -
send in造句
2024年07月02日 13:32:04Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。These days, cartoonists send in their work by fax.现在卡通画家用传真机发送作品。He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations.他不可... -
2024年07月02日 20:20:01索菲娅跳起身来,扔下正在织的毛衣。Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting.索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts.索菲娅舒舒服服地坐到了自己流线型的座位上。Sophia settled into her comfortably contoured seat.... -
2024年07月02日 14:34:19He was attacked as a racist , xenophobe , and neo nazi .他被攻击是种族主义,排外,以及新纳粹。... -
2024年07月02日 22:49:01The Pre - cambrian alumino - siliceous slate is the host rock of antimony deposit inHunan.湖南前寒武系的 硅铝 质板岩是锑矿主要赋矿岩性.Antimony adds to the rigidity of the casting.锑能增加铸件的硬度.Antimony abounds in out country.我国盛产锑.The... -
2024年07月02日 20:36:01Raindrops click jingly on the vent - pipes , beating cracklingly the roof of the yard.雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当, 把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪.... -
2024年07月02日 13:51:01I was quite taken with your line of photocopiers with collation and stapling capability.我被贵公司能够自动整理和装订的系列复印机吸引住了.To provide our clients with photocopiers, printers, fax machines.为广大客户提供复印机 、 打印机 、 传真机.Relocate ...