2024年06月18日 13:21:14Well, go in the pantry and get that ham off the shelf.那好吧, 你到食品柜把架子上的火腿拿来.'You had better go back to your Pantry, Martin,'he said.“ 马丁,你可以回到厨房去了, ” 他说.An Irish 19 th - century mahogany armoire stands ... -
2024年06月18日 12:17:14你看到我们学院今天新出版的学报 吗 ?Did you notice the appearance of a new journal in our college today?他的论文已在肯特考古学会学报上发表.His paper was published in the proceedings of the Kent Archaeological Society.即使是在获得了“准许入伙 ” 之后, 主日学报还是使我... -
2024年06月18日 14:07:29远水解不了近渴.Water afar quenches not fire.对水解酶间隔作用作完全分析是很难达到的.A complete analysis of the compartmentation of hydrolases is difficult to achieve.几种氨肽酶把肽水解成氨基酸.Several aminopeptidases complete the hydrolysis of peptid... -
2024年06月18日 13:18:28Burns of the anterior aspect of the neck should be positioned with the neck in extention.颈前烧伤时,应置颈部于伸位.So the extention is mainly for transmission and control.所以扩展主要是基于传输和控制.Please dial the extention number or ... -
2024年06月18日 14:19:59The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty...针对统一条约的序文出现了争论。He spoke without preamble.他没有开场白地讲起来。He launched into his statement without any preamble.他开门见山地发表言论.'I wo... -
2024年06月18日 13:41:06赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的鼓吹者.Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的解释者.Huxlay was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处.Huxley, I feel, has much in common with We... -
2024年06月18日 12:27:59Is there much in the way of nightlife around here?这附近的夜生活丰富 吗 ?There are free buses around the resort and plenty of nightlife.这个游览胜地到处都有免费大巴,夜生活也很丰富。Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.棕榈泉有高... -
2024年06月18日 13:39:06从猫, 狗, 狐狸和燕八哥的粪便中回收到了TGE病毒.TGE virus was recovered from the feces of the cats, dogs, foxes and starlings.这只八哥特别聪明.This myna is smart.我家的八哥会学舌.My myna bird can imitate what people say.... -
2024年06月18日 13:27:06Curriculum research from the mythopoetic perspective will vitalize the practice of children education in China.诗性智慧的课程论述将为我国的幼儿园教育教学实践注入活力.... -
2024年06月18日 09:41:07It is difficult to discuss the administration of justice in Babylonia and Assyria.很难确定巴比伦和亚述的司法管辖权.Religion was very important in Babylonia.在巴比伦王国,宗教很重要.In ancient Babylonia , the most Wardrobe Bed was to retur... -
2024年06月18日 10:17:08The main obligation of insurant is on time pay insurance premium.被保险人的基本义务是按时缴纳保险费.Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation.合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。a driven sense of obligation紧迫的责... -
2024年06月18日 12:00:07The new visbreaking process with de - oiled asphalt feedstock is discussed.论述了以脱油沥青为原料的减粘裂化新工艺.Hydrogen is an important feedstock used in petrochemical enterprises � � hydrogenation process.氢气是石化企业加氢工艺的重要原料.The... -
2024年06月18日 14:30:05He was saucy and mischievous when he was working.他工作时总爱调皮捣蛋.a mischievous goblin作弄人的妖精He's a little mischievous.他有一点淘气。Discovering this, the mischievous boy wrote Meg a passionate love - letter, purporting... -
2024年06月18日 04:25:08About 60 per cent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer.一辆普通汽车上大约有60%的部件是由制造商以外的其他供应商提供的。The statement was sourced to the Secretary of State.那个声明已提供给了(美国)国务卿。Some of the components are n... -
2024年06月18日 12:10:05Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.他们经常被黑帮每晚火拼的枪声所吵醒。They agreed to renounce their wings and settle on the earth.他们放弃了他们的翅膀从此生活在地球.They si...