2024年06月29日 14:07:28Cook the potatoes and turnips in a large saucepan.用大炖锅煮土豆和芜菁。I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.每当厨师挑剔我干的活儿时,我都非常沮丧。Let's postulate that she is a cook.我们假定她是一位厨师.Cook for ten min... -
2024年06月29日 15:18:28Mr. Bumble tasted the medicine with a doubtful look.班布尔先生带着疑惑的表情尝了尝这种药.Mr. Bumble's conduct , on being left to himself, was rather inexplicable.班布尔先生独自留下时的举动实在令人费解.Mr Bumble tapped with his cane on the cou... -
2024年06月29日 18:16:30那些茅舍逐渐变模糊,融入了一片苍茫的原野中.The huts darkled away into the gloom of the field.她想知道为什么尽管她画的如此清晰的画会变模糊.She wondered why the paintings became blurred even though she painted them so clearly.干扰噪声一种干扰, 尤指一处任意的和持续的干扰, 使信号变... -
2024年06月29日 12:53:29The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors.这家航空公司打算把他们的国际线路拍卖给以前的竞争对手。Two of his biggest competitors are out of the ball game.他的两大劲敌出局了。The competitors had to contend with squal... -
2024年06月29日 14:11:31Foliaceous back provides fluff , vein is thicker , stipule is damask.叶背具柔毛, 叶脉较粗,托叶淡红色.Shirley flicked a speck of fluff from the sleeve of her black suit...雪莉弹掉了黑色套装袖子上的一点小绒毛。Woolen blankets often have fluff on... -
2024年06月29日 14:59:31their incapacity to govern effectively他们缺乏有效治理的能力His incapacity for kindness makes everybody dislike him.他不能与人为善,使得大家都讨厌他.His ministers became weary of his incapacity as a leader.他的大臣们却讨厌这个无能的领袖.... -
2024年06月29日 14:06:31Now he's born to keep avenging that injustice again and again.现在他生来就是为了反复不断的为了不公正复仇.His disfigured face was like some avenging nemesis of gargoyle design.他那张破了相的脸,活象面目狰狞的复仇之神.He has devoted the past five y... -
2024年06月29日 06:03:31Green kept 10 tame dingoes in separate laboratory pens.格林把十只驯服了的野狗养在隔离的实验围栏里.Dingoes hunt at night and like to attack sheep.野狗在晚上出来猎食和喜欢攻击绵羊.... -
2024年06月29日 17:49:33甚至在南段之内, 辉岩组中的矿层对比目前也不肯定.Even within the southern sector , correlation of seams in the pyroxenite series is at present uncertain.还不肯定, 但有可能. 我爸会在周六说明的.No , not really, but maybe. Dad will explain on Saturday.影像... -
2024年06月29日 13:07:33法官职位,法官权力法官的职位或权力(权限)The office or jurisdiction of a judge.我们可以把政治关系定义为那些产生于某一当局或权力机构的关系.We could define political relationships as those ( that ) arise from an authority or power structure.... -
2024年06月29日 14:52:33The probabilities of crime or victimization are higher with some situations than with others.在有些情况下,犯罪或受害的几率要相对更高。When we want something, we always have to reckon with probabilities.当我们需要某件东西时, 我们总得考虑或然性.Theref... -
2024年06月29日 16:17:35一艘巡洋舰被火速地派到该岛恢复秩序.A cruiser was dispatched to the island to restore order.他因为上班快迟到了所以火速地换好衣服冲到办公室去.Almost late for work he scrambled to get into his clothes and raced to the office.... -
2024年06月29日 09:19:35A philosopher dwells in the realm of ideas.哲学家停留在概念的王国里.She dwells too much upon her past.她过于详细地叙述她的过去.That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with wind.你们的真我居于高山之巅,与风道游四方.Shiva is a dark god; he ... -
2024年06月29日 13:19:35老板由于自身的地位而一直有极大的影响力。The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves.日间电视节目往往使她深刻地认识到自身的境况。Daytime televisi... -
2024年06月28日 21:22:37嗯,对了,显然我们的一些听众可能会有些想法。Now, erm, obviously some of our listeners may have some ideas.“对了,”她灵机一动说道,“你干吗不请他们到这儿来?”"Look," she said, getting a brainstorm, "Why don't you invite them here?"我应该把这张纸给你复印一下就对了。I sh...