2024年06月29日 00:42:56Figure 2. The white - team haulers attach their prusiks to the black rope.步骤2:白队队员用普鲁士结连接到黑绳上.... -
2024年06月29日 04:35:34Owen scored the equalizer.欧文进了一球,扳平了比分。The best main echo half parameter equipment and 7 - band graphic equalizer.最佳主混音半参量均衡及7段图示均衡.This bundle recreates the warm sound qualities of classic equalizer analog har... -
2024年06月29日 09:59:34现在他只能通过声音合成器与人沟通。Now he can only communicate through a voice synthesiser.频率合成器是电子系统的核心部件.Frequency synthesizer is the hardcore of a electronic system.现在的合成器可以模拟出很多其它的乐器.Synthesizers are now very good at copying... -
2024年06月29日 05:23:34An entry point identifies the location of a function in a DLL.入口点用于标识函数在DLL中的位置.He identifies the two tastes.他认出这两种味道.Only things with which a man identifies himself are able to disturb his mind-only that which... -
2024年06月29日 03:20:34She had helped Mr. Gryce to bestow his encumbering properties beneath the table.她帮着古莱斯先生把他那些乱堆着的提包安置在桌子底下.... -
2024年06月29日 02:02:34大客车着火导致至少80人被烧死。At least 80 people were burnt to death when their bus caught fire.我们的大客车发动不起来了,因为电池坏了.Our bus won't start because the battery is flat.为这次参观专门安排了一辆大客车.There is a special bus for the visit.... -
2024年06月29日 06:28:35他听见低沉的心跳声,跳动的速度却更快了。He heard his heart thump dully but more quickly.我的一生是随着祖国的脉搏而跳动的.My life pulsates with every movment of my country.他的激烈跳动的心简直随时都要跳出来.His dancing heart was ready to jump from his body.... -
2024年06月28日 20:29:35Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy but not stiff.把蛋清搅至起沫而不黏稠的程度。It's foamy milk that you add to the coffee.将牛奶打出泡沫后加入咖啡中....foamy waves...水沫四溅的波涛All of these entities lack prominent foamy macrophage... -
2024年06月29日 04:23:35In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.汤姆·潘恩在18世纪... -
2024年06月29日 02:51:55我离开了得克萨斯州,总算摆脱了那里的一切。I left Texas and said good riddance to all that.他已经怒气冲冲地回伦敦了,总算把他打发走了。He's gone back to London in a huff and good riddance.那一切总算要变了。Not before time, that is about to change.... -
2024年06月29日 05:51:55A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会收藏起来。She collects anything that has charm.她收集一切有特色的东西。David always collects Alistair from school on Wednesdays.戴维总是星期三去学校接阿利斯泰尔... -
2024年06月28日 23:30:56一只蜜蜂栖息在花园中的一棵葵花上.A bee sits on a sunflower in the garden.我家园子里的葵花都结籽了.The sunflowers in my garden have all run to seed.但葵花面对众花, 不悲观, 依旧大胆地绽放.However, in facing the public sunflower flowers, not pessimistic, sti... -
2024年06月28日 22:24:5670 jobs have been reprieved until next April.有70个职位暂时保留到明年四月份。Fourteen people, waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister, have been reprieved.因谋杀前首相而即将处以绞刑的14个人已获缓刑。We were reprieved from t... -
2024年06月29日 11:40:30买方在付现之前可能要求提供进一步的担保。Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash.无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.刷卡或付现? 请记在180号房的帐上.Will ... -
2024年06月28日 20:55:32我搜到的是: 木心, 本名孙璞.I found that: wooden heart, whose realSun Pu.酒体中度, 平衡的口感中带有果香及香柏木心香和烟熏吐司味,尾韵仍然非常顺口.Medium bodied, fruity and balanced with a nice core of cedar and toasty notes....