2024年07月09日 16:27:46To keep their bees from wandering, beekeepers feed them sugar solutions.为了防止蜜蜂迷路,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering.会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico ... -
2024年07月09日 14:28:51The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.船夫愿冒险渡他们过江.The airplanes are ferrying motorcars between England and France.飞机在英法之间运送汽车.The boat is ferrying people.船在摆渡.... -
2024年07月09日 13:49:54Scenting the unfashionable odour of catastrophism, many of Bretz's colleagues turned their backs on the flood.嗅出灾难论中不合时宜的气味,bretz的许多同事都拒绝接受洪水的说法.He helped Pamela Tudsbury into her coat, scenting perfume th... -
2024年07月09日 07:17:47a matter of especial importance特别重要的事情The authorities took especial interest in him because of his trade union work.因为他在工会工作,官方对他特别感兴趣。He was Maybelle Merriwether's especial beau , Rene Picard.他是梅贝尔-梅里韦瑟的昵... -
2024年07月09日 16:05:39Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned.将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。"Once a detective, always a detective," he said lightly.“一日为侦探,终生为侦探,”他满不在意地说。Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.尽管他身形庞大,移动起来... -
2024年07月09日 16:59:44房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。Landlords can charge a returnable deposit.我随信退还你的文件。I return herewith your papers.可退还订金到店即可退还。A refundable deposit is payable on arrival.... -
2024年07月09日 14:44:55这只公野猪把土翻得像犁沟似的, 给这些耕地造成了不可弥补的损失.The wild boar ploughs the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.他指向耕地翻掘出的犁沟.He pointed to the upturned furrows of a ploughed field.诗129:3如同扶... -
2024年07月09日 16:23:46Which Trimmer Capacitors are recommended for high frequency ranges?建议哪种微调电容器用于高频带?Lead in cermet - based trimmer potentiometer elements.金属陶瓷质的微调电位器中的铅含量.Can you ship Trimmer Capacitors with the angle and capaci... -
2024年07月09日 12:15:45It was the enemys boast of impregnability that caused their own defeat.敌人自我吹嘘战无不胜,这最终导致了他们自己的失败.... -
2024年07月09日 01:35:05Is goin'to work for Carruthers.要去给卡路塞斯干.Carruthers had been gored by a rhinoceros.卡拉瑟斯被犀牛顶伤了。...their tortoise, who rejoiced in the name of Carruthers.他们养的龟有个搞笑的名字——卡拉瑟斯Mr Carruthers was never marked out s... -
2024年07月09日 16:38:54You are loafing through life, you lazy fellow!你在虚度一生的光阴, 你这懒东西!We had been at Cambridge together, she studying medicine and me loafing around.我们一起在剑桥呆过。她学医,我则无所事事。Broadway was full of loafing thespians in searc... -
2024年07月09日 14:53:48Ask broad stationmaster friends to inquire PR later, appraisal PR is true advertent!请广大站长朋友们以后查询PR, 鉴定PR真实与否多多留意!If you paid close attention to fasten a person, they also are met advertent you.你如果关注了别人, 他们也会留意你... -
2024年07月09日 17:30:52You think this is some game for you , to have your last joyride?你认为这是场游戏让你最后耍一把?Twenty minutes later, after a royal joyride, his highness touched down.二十分钟后, 殿下华丽地兜了一圈后, 降落了.Zoe , our annoying employer, joined ... -
2024年07月09日 16:49:47Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.中心内不但有医生和护... -
2024年07月09日 09:18:53My friend is a lodger in my uncle's house.我朋友是我叔叔家的房客.Jill and Sue are at variance ( with each other ) over / about their lodger.吉尔和休在对待房客的问题上 ( 彼此 ) 意见不和.Her lodger was very much more willing to talk on t...