
  • froze造句

    2024年06月21日 04:50:35What if it rained and then froze all through those months?要是那几个月一直又下雨又冰冻怎么办?The windows didn't fit at the bottom so for a while we froze even in the middle of summer...窗子底下关不严,所以有一段时间即使是在盛夏我们也觉得很冷。He eithe...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • kinetic造句

    2024年06月21日 00:55:25The kinetic process of reactive magnetron sputtering has been studied.研究了反应磁控溅射的动力学过程.The kinetic equation of acylation process fitted first order linear relation.酰化过程的动力学方程符合一级线性关系.kinetic friction动磨擦kinetic t...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • topics造句

    2024年06月21日 08:42:12Don’t revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.不要修改少数论题以致排除所有其他的。Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.研讨会内容是以普通听众容易理解为依据作出选择的。Message forum covering various topics i...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • Remington造句

    2024年06月20日 19:57:48Remington's operations in Japan are now in the black...雷明顿在日本的业务现在有盈利。During 1984, Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion.1984年,雷明顿公司在广告和促销方面花费了大量的资金。During 1984, Remington spent a lot...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • “幻灯片”造句

    2024年06月20日 18:32:47把电影胶片或幻灯片转换成视频应该不费吹灰之力。Transferring cine film or slides to video should be a doddle.他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.光指示器经常与幻灯片放映机一起使用.A light pointer is of...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • ruefully造句

    2024年06月21日 07:29:42Mans looked ruefully at his bottle of champagne.曼斯沮丧地看了看他那瓶香槟酒.He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled ruefully at me.他挠了挠脖梗儿,对我苦笑了一下。He grinned at her ruefully.他遗憾地对她咧嘴一笑。reflecting ruefully that the great A...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • immune造句

    2024年06月21日 09:48:22Members of the Bundestag are immune from prosecution for corruption...德国联邦议院的成员可免受贪腐罪的起诉。Some people take echinacea, which enhances the immune system, for the common cold.有人用可以提高免疫系统的紫锥花属治疗普通感冒.This blood test ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • “瘘管”造句

    2024年06月21日 02:22:23小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎.Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis.其它症状包括发烧 、 瘘管和眼睛受到刺激.Other symptoms include fever, and sinus and eye irritation.摘要食道闭锁无合并气管食道瘘管是一种罕见的先天性婴儿食道畸形.Esophageal ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • messager造句

    2024年06月21日 03:02:23Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer, rewarding the messager liberally.乔治·斯汤顿爵士立即写了回信, 慷慨地犒赏了信差.Please give me your cellphone and Yahoo's messager so I can talk happily.给你我的手机和奇摩即时通,可以的话就加一下吧...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • HED造句

    2024年06月21日 11:13:34HED has certain clinical feature, especially about its skin lesion.HED有其一定临床特点, 皮损具有典型特征.He arrives on the dot. I was sure hed be late.他准时到了. 我本以为他会迟到的.Well be in a store and hed run up the escalator.例如我们在一家店里,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • “分流术”造句

    2024年06月21日 10:28:35目的探讨远端脾腔静脉分流术治疗门静脉高压症的远期疗效.Objective To evaluate the long - term results and operative experience of distal shunt.结论: 1、大部分CSDH病人有较明确病因,头部外伤最常见,其次为凝血机能障碍和脑积水分流术.Conclusions: 1. The etiology of CSDH could be det...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • “止泻的”造句

    2024年06月20日 23:40:44脾虚久泻的小儿服用此饼可起到益气养阴, 健脾止泻的作用.Jiuxie deficiency in children's take the cake can play Yiqiyangyin, spleen to stop diarrhea.目的研究番石榴叶提取物槲皮素止泻的作用机制.Objective To investigate the antidiarrheal mechanism of quercet...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • mighty造句

    2024年06月21日 05:29:32The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant.整个市中心区有着一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安.Contain the essence, SOD of abundant grape, mighty an...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “扫地的”造句

    2024年06月21日 09:49:43最先起床扫地的人能发现昨夜丢失的钱,勤劳者运气多.The first sweep finds the money lost at night.从扫地的服务生到总裁人人都工作.Everybody works, from the boy who sweeps the floor up the president.颜面扫地的金融家BernieMadoff已经对11项罪名承认有罪.Disgraced financier Be...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • emigrated造句

    2024年06月21日 07:40:33His uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Australia.他的家族中叔父这一支系已移居澳大利亚.He emigrated to Belgium...他移民到比利时。Blake emigrated to Australia with his family at 13...布莱克在13岁时随家人移民到了澳大利亚。'We thought you�...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10