
  • upheld造句

    2024年06月24日 04:57:24They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Church.他们亵渎了教会长期以来的传统。Three judges unanimously upheld the sentence.三名法官一致维持这个判决。Roman republican law upheld a humanistic view of marriage.罗马共和国的法律对婚姻坚持人道主义的观...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “的身价”造句

    2024年06月24日 02:44:10他以250万英镑的身价从水晶宫队转入阿森纳队。He was transferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £2.5 million.在这个过程中, 每一方都将了对方的军,但同时却降低了自己的身价.In the process, each stalemated the other while demeaning itself.在心理上是不是会抬高柯帕乌作为一金融家的身价 ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • highwaymen例句

    2024年06月24日 09:06:37A band of highwaymen had defeated your army in Syria.你的军队在叙利亚已被一股强人击败....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • watermark造句

    2024年06月24日 08:15:59Use your existing Watermark Sensor with WatchDog Weather Stations and Data Loggers.水迹适配器利用现有的水印传感器与气象监视器和数据采集器一起使用.The digital watermark is to prevent pirating.数码水印图案是用来防止盗版的.Experimentation shows that this wat...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • foreseeing造句

    2024年06月24日 06:06:27Forbearance made after foreseeing tragedy is morality; competition made before foreseeing victory is game.优先预测悲剧后作出的忍让是道德, 优先预测胜利前作出的竞争是博弈.The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foresee...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • emphatic造句

    2024年06月23日 17:31:01Their reply was too emphatic for anyone to doubt them.他们的回答很坚决, 不容有任何人怀疑。to express emphatic negation表示着重的否定The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender...叛乱者坚称这并不是投降。I answered both questions with an e...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “霍布森”造句

    2024年06月24日 08:32:59考虑到霍布森不是科班出身的经济学家,他可谓是成就非凡。In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.你看霍布森先生下星期五能见我 吗 ?Do you think Mr. Hobson can see me next Friday?霍布森: 票据交换是什么意思?Hobson : W...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • fitting造句

    2024年06月24日 05:11:28He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck...他把安全带夹在甲板的一个固定装置上。I'm going to a fitting tomorrow.明天我要去试穿新衣。Loose-fitting shirts are comfy.宽松的衬衫很舒服。Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on boa...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • integrase例句

    2024年06月24日 08:04:49HIV - 1 integrase ( IN ) integrates viral DNA into host cells through two steps metal ions - dependent reactions.HIV -1 整合酶 ( IN ) 通过依赖金属离子的两步反应将病毒DNA整合入宿主细胞中.IntI 1 integrase gene and class 1 integron marker g...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “血管炎”造句

    2024年06月24日 07:53:46目的:评价组织病理学在血管炎诊断中的价值.Objective To evaluate the role of histopathologic examine in cutaneous vasculitis.结论白塞综合征是可以控制的一种皮肤血管炎病.Conclusion Behcet syndrome is a kind of controllable cutaneous vasculitis.目的了解视盘血管炎的临...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • tranquilizer例句

    2024年06月24日 06:59:21If a tranquilizer is prescribed, be sure your physician informs you of its possible side effects, such as addiction.如果开了镇静剂,一定要让医生告诉你它可能带来的副作用,例如上瘾。And the red ones are tranquilizer and blood - splatter darts.红...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • corporate造句

    2024年06月24日 02:17:41Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.越来越多的公司客户寻求将设施的管理外包出去。Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.有人指出这合乎的是...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • immunofiltration例句

    2024年06月24日 05:58:41The difference between the trickle immunofiltration assay and DFA was not significant ( P < 0. 05 ).微孔渗漏法与DFA二者阳性率无显著性差别 ( P...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • graviton造句

    2024年06月24日 05:04:41Apex? 1 reappears to Deltan graviton telemetry 0.6 billion km from Delta.尖端1号,重新出现在距德尔塔6亿公里的地方.In this paper, the interactional potential energy of graviton is simply discussed in tree level approximation.在本文中,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • Malaysian造句

    2024年06月24日 09:34:53...a Malaysian student.马来西亚学生This would change the face of Malaysian politics.这将改变马来西亚的政治面貌。The Malaysian capital , Kuala Lumpur will have 23 such high - tech , self - cleaning toilets, Mayor Hakim Borhan said....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10