
  • banning造句

    2024年06月23日 14:34:35In truth, banning broadcasts would be impractical - and manifestly too late.事实上, 禁止广播将是不现实的 - 而且明显地已为时已晚....the banning of songs glorifying war and racism.对吹捧战争和种族歧视的歌曲的禁播令The doctors want stricter enforcement ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • velocities造句

    2024年06月23日 17:41:35The velocities are independent of hydrostatic pressures.速度与流体静压力无关.The momentum of the particles was deduced from meteoritic velocities.粒子的冲量可以从陨石速度推导出来.In experimenting we find out that sound travels with diff...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • militarism例句

    2024年06月23日 09:25:36There were also remnants of militarism.还有军阀主义残余.He had accused them of deliberately reviving militarism.他曾指控他们蓄意复活军国主义.Where were the forces which could be rallied against fascism and militarism?究竟到哪里才能找到可以团结的反...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • bulldog造句

    2024年06月23日 18:58:27She was given a bulldog.有人送给她一条叭喇狗.You are really a bulldog.你这人难相处极了.A bulldog was given to her.赠给她一条叭喇狗....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “熔铁炉”造句

    2024年06月23日 07:24:24但如果放到熔铁炉内加热,它就会熔化成为液体.But if we heat it in a furnace it will melt and become a liquid....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “财源”造句

    2024年06月23日 15:58:28这一方案能为产量较小的公司带来滚滚财源。The programme was a gold mine for small production companies.岁入来自如下财源.The revenue is derived from the following sources.与电视台签订的这项大合同会让富有的英格兰足球俱乐部财源滚滚。The lucrative contract with television m...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • isotropic造句

    2024年06月23日 13:25:28For the sake of simplicity only a material with isotropic properties will be considered.为了简单起见,仅讨论各向同性材料.Isotropic bi - materials with high comprehensive properties are widely used in engineering fields.各向同性双材料...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • loath造句

    2024年06月23日 14:20:34Far from being unctuous, Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent.由于并不愿意假意奉承,所以帕特总是不愿意表现出勉强顺从的姿态。I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。He was loath to admit hi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • understandably造句

    2024年06月23日 17:23:49The duke is understandably proud of Lady Helen and her achievements.公爵为海伦女士和她的成就感到自豪,这很容易理解。Most organizations are, quite understandably, suspicious of new ideas.大多数机构对新想法持怀疑态度,这不难理解。understandably fearful abou...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • bring造句

    2024年06月23日 12:09:37The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.木头最近经过抛光又恢复了光泽。From all directions Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake.从各个方向,风带来鲜红的花瓣,把它吹向湖面.The Black church community has sought to bri...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • hobbing例句

    2024年06月23日 19:35:53The curve - edged hobbing cutter is used in producing rectangular wing sanitary napkin.曲线刃滚切刀是用来加工护翼卫生巾的专用刀具.A concise mathematical model for hobbing non - circular gear is set up.推导非圆齿轮滚切加工的最简数学模型并作图形仿真验证.This...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • clinging造句

    2024年06月23日 20:15:48Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim.她的杯口上粘有些许橙汁。His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins.湿淋淋的裤子紧紧粘在他小腿上。She was anxious not to appear clinging.她竭力不让自己看上去显得过分依恋别人。Clinging to outside sources i...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “缓解”造句

    2024年06月23日 17:57:48指压按摩用于缓解肩部和颈部的紧张。Acupressure is used to release tension spots in the shoulders and neck.按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势。The...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • anesthetic造句

    2024年06月23日 14:47:05Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂.Conclusion: CVB - D has antagonizing effects on anesthetic dogs with experimental myocardial ischemia.结论: CVB-D对犬冠脉结扎所致的心肌缺血具有对抗作用....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10
  • “德文郡”造句

    2024年06月23日 20:18:15她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall.有人向巴恩斯特珀尔刑事法院告发他在德文郡布朗顿的一家酒馆打架滋事。Barnstaple crown court was told he caused an affray at a pub in Braunton, Devon.让我们一大早就起身驱车去德文郡.Let&...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-10