
  • hardy造句

    2024年06月19日 06:39:32The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.银叶仙客来品种不太耐寒。Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life.哈代由于对生活持过度悲观的态度而常常受到批评。Hardy as a young man played the fidd...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • pictured造句

    2024年06月19日 02:41:33He pictured her with long black braided hair.他想象她梳着又黑又长的辫子。She pictured herself working with animals.她设想自己从事接触动物的工作。The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.许多报...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • crustaceans造句

    2024年06月18日 20:27:34small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace长有盾牌状甲壳的小型淡水甲壳动物Sir. J . Lubbock has recently remarked , that several minute crustaceans offer excellent illustration of this law.卢布克爵士最近指出, 小型甲壳类中有几种较好...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • “尖声的”造句

    2024年06月19日 05:50:54声音: 听起来 怎么样 ?吵闹的, 柔和还是尖声的?Sound: What does It'sound like? Loud, soft, or shrill?...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • taxonomic造句

    2024年06月18日 21:57:07Taxonomic species are defined on phenetic discontinuities, not on interfertility.分类学上的种是根据表型不连续性而不是根据互交可孕性来确定的.A TAXONOMIC STUDY ON WHITEFLIES IN BEIJING ( HOMOPTERA: ALEYRODIDAE )北京地区粉虱分类研究 ( 同翅目: 粉虱科 )The tem...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • biofeedback造句

    2024年06月19日 05:02:18The Kaleses use moderate afternoon exercise, along with psychotherapy and biofeedback, to treat severe insomniacs.两位凯利斯用不太剧烈的午后运动, 结合精神疗法及机能反馈疗法, 来治疗严重的失眠患者.To evaluate effectiveness of EEG biofeedback training...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • teabag造句

    2024年06月18日 20:35:20Marianne got a couple of mugs from the dresser and popped a teabag into each of them.玛丽安娜从碗橱拿了几个杯子,在每个杯中迅速地放入茶包。Objective To study the feasibility of applying extrusion - puffing technique to the preparation of...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • colluvium造句

    2024年06月18日 17:29:19Results have indicated that major sliding surfaces are happened to pass through colluvium and sandstone.而所评估之潜在滑动面则多通过五弯仔地区之崩积层与砂岩层....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • closedown造句

    2024年06月19日 04:13:01The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries, small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in steps.关停小糖厂 、 小糖精厂、小造纸厂的工作也已逐步展开.The factory owner sprang the ne...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • forking造句

    2024年06月19日 05:06:01Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain.时常翻动一下花圃和草坪四周会让被雨水压紧的土壤松动松动。They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing.他们让我先在园子里干些杂活...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • idealize例句

    2024年06月19日 06:54:54People idealize the past.人们爱把过去理想化。It is tempting to idealize the past.人都爱把过去的日子说得那么美好。I don't want to idealize life in small places.我不想理想化在小地方的生活....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • weakly造句

    2024年06月19日 06:08:10He looked at the mess and smiled weakly.他看着这一片狼藉, 勉强地笑了笑。She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow...她坐了起来,露出痛苦的表情,又有气无力地倒在枕头上。Laura leaned weakly against the door.劳拉虚弱地靠在门上。He sm...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • insuring造句

    2024年06月18日 21:07:45Bite block and tongue depressor. insuring unobstructed ventilation.用于防止舌后坠, 保障患者正常通气.I shall not rest satisfied with merely employing my capital in insuring ships.光是在船舶保险上投资我才不满意呢.The joint of shell and cover i...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • hates造句

    2024年06月19日 03:17:49Her chief hates are gambling and stealing.她最恨的事就是赌博和偷窃。She hates sherry, tolerates wine, and occasionally sips at champagne to be sociable.她讨厌雪利酒, 可以喝一点葡萄酒, 有时,为了社交她也喝一点香槟酒.My cat hates dogs.我家的猫不喜欢狗。He who spa...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11
  • resigning造句

    2024年06月19日 07:53:48We shall simply be resigning ourselves to extinction unless we carry on the four modernizations.如果不搞四个现代化,我们就只有束手待毙.He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office...他将于今晚宣布辞职。He pretended that resign...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-11