2024年04月07日 12:38:56撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航道上。The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world.该渔港通常都是一派热闹繁忙的景象,很有地方色彩。The fishing boat harbour was usually bustling with lots of local colour.首相开始感到公务繁忙的压力了。The strains o... -
2024年06月15日 21:10:11The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning.经济复苏的迹象刚刚开始显现。People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.人们开始觉得他超人一等。This kind of living was beginning to fray her nerves.这种生活开始让她神经紧... -
2024年06月17日 21:33:02"Didn't you ever read the book?" Keating shook his head. "Well, no matter."“你从没看过这本书?”基廷摇了摇头。“嗯,没关系。”A senior Pentagon official later suggested Admiral Keating had been misunderstood.之后,五角大楼某高级官员路出口风,说大家误解... -
2024年06月24日 06:22:41他们掌握了足够的证据控告董事违犯信托责任。They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.那些董事行事时是以他们俱乐部的最大利益为出发点吗?Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?其他董事都因为霍利克勋爵被挤了出去而显得很高兴。Other dire... -
2024年07月11日 06:57:15The architect would often just write something like "beautiful fretwork" on the drawing.建筑师通常只会在图上写著“美丽的浮凸雕工”之类的说明。... -
2024年06月12日 12:26:45快意 、 恐惧、自豪一起在他心头翻腾.His mind was boiling with mirth, fear and pride.我要向范妮做一项令人快意的报导.I shall have a charming account to carry to Fanny.快意、恐惧、自豪一齐在心头翻腾.His mind was boiling with mirth and fear and pride.... -
2024年04月15日 18:46:21...the plaintive call of a whale.鲸的哀鸣They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.他们躺在硬实的沙地上,听着海鸥的哀鸣。Her voice was small and plaintive.她的声音微弱而哀伤。the bird’s plaintive call鸟儿哀伤的叫声The... -
2024年05月06日 05:51:21鼓和铙钹奏出了庄严的节奏。Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.罗马圣彼得大教堂的雄伟庄严the sheer majesty of St Peter's in Rome他总是在女友面前摆出这种庄严的姿态.He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend.... -
2024年07月06日 11:20:40高速数控转塔冲床(高速数控冲模回转头压力机)是应用于高端压力加工的设备.Rapid NC turret punch press was used as advanced press process equipment.一种用于冲床的刀具更换系统,采用其上刚性固定有不同刀具的转塔.A tool - changing system for a press utilizes a turret on which differ... -
2024年07月03日 06:44:15他们把这头牛的角切短了.They polled the cattle.这个工件不需要切短.This workpiece doesn't need to be cut short.蘑菇洗净, 切粒; 金菇洗净, 切去根部,切短段.Clean button mushroom, dice. Wash mushroom , cut the ends and section.... -
2024年06月21日 17:30:45Then the airplane is airborne, the air hostess will start to feed you.飞机升入空中后,女服务员们开始送上吃的东西。Lifeless bodies from the airplane crash lay on the ground.空难者的尸体躺在地上。The airplane had dual controls.这架飞机有两套操纵装置.Their ... -
2024年06月17日 01:02:30The theoretical calculation of brazed rate based on C - scan image is described.利用超声无损检测C扫描图像,可以反应钎焊缺陷及其分布特征,并自动计算出钎着率.Local fusion deformation occurred after the product antenna combination was brazed.某产品天线组合钎... -
2024年06月26日 18:37:02One obvious impact is the radical atteration of the land surface.一种显而易见的影响是大地表面剧烈的改变.... -
2024年06月13日 20:33:39Specifies if hyperlinks are displayed and function within the control.指定是否显示超级链接以及它是否在控件中起作用.View, add, and change pages, documents, themes, and borders; recalculate hyperlinks.查看 、 添加和更改网页 、 文档 、 主题和边框; 重新计算超链... -
2024年06月17日 03:30:32She is not SCREAMER or MOANER - She is VOCALLY APPRECIATIVE.她并不乱叫或发牢骚,只是用声音表示喜怒....