2024年06月19日 09:41:411882年,德国、奥地利和意大利组成了三国同盟。In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.因此,克雷兹既同拉克代蒙人又同埃及人结成了防守同盟.So Croesus made a defensive alliance both with the Lacedemonians and Egyptians.比利时和卢森堡从1921年以来就组成... -
2024年06月19日 19:53:36Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。He showed great courage by ad... -
2024年06月19日 16:07:37Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees.嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成.The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙.Ice streams moving through ice sheet leave crevasses at their si... -
2024年06月19日 10:45:38One of the apprentices made an insulting remark to a passing officer.其中一名学徒对着一名路过的警官说了一句侮辱他的话。He was dismissed for publicly insulting prominent politicians.他在大庭广众之下辱骂政坛显贵,结果被撤职了。Their behaviour may seem insulti... -
2024年06月19日 13:21:38暴徒开始用棍棒猛打他的肩、头和胳膊。Men began to belabour his shoulders, his head, his arms with sticks.他猛打那个小偷.He let out wildly at the thief.他手持棍子奋力猛打.He laid about with a stick.... -
over the hill例句
2024年06月19日 17:08:38He doesn't take kindly to suggestions that he is over the hill.他不爱听别人说他风光不再。A hawk hovered over the hill.一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。He is over the hill as a professional athlete.作为一名职业运动员,他的巅峰时期已过.... -
2024年06月19日 11:45:38There are variant formulations of some of the maxims.有些准则有多种表达方式.variant spellings of a word一个词的不同拼法The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种。Allophone is a phonetic variant of a ... -
2024年06月19日 04:45:39你会在书的前面找到略语表。You will find a key at the front of the book.书的题赠是:献给约翰·阿洛特——劳丽·李。The book is inscribed: To John Arlott from Laurie Lee.书的封面上有条连接对角的黑斜线.The book has a diagonal black stripe on the cover.... -
2024年06月19日 00:36:39More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean...20 多架直升机开始下降向海面俯冲。...better mapping of the ocean floor.对海底地形的更精确绘制...the Indian Ocean.印度洋Infrasonic observations of open ocean swells in the Pacif... -
2024年06月19日 16:27:39He has done experiments comple-mentary to those of Eigen.他做了一些实验,作为对艾根实验的补充。His efforts involved thought experiments and analogies, rather than detailed experimentation.他所进行的是思维实验及类推,而不是细致的实验。The experiments sh... -
2024年06月19日 14:43:39I wasn't successful, so they looked down on me.我一无所成,所以他们瞧不起我。One of the keys to successful business is careful planning.打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?是他命中注定会成功,还... -
2024年06月19日 21:24:37Man is the paragon of animals.人是万物之灵....a paragon of neatness, efficiency and reliability...整洁、高效和可靠的典范He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范.He was not a paragon. He would never be perfect.... -
2024年06月19日 21:30:37Charcoal prevents browning of tissues and stimulates embryogenesis and rooting.炭可防止组织变棕色并刺激胚胎发生与生根.An antigen that stimulates the production of a particular agglutinin an antibody.任何用来促使凝集原增殖的抗原物质.Amphetamine i... -
2024年06月19日 20:09:37Theand approved the examinational method as the local measurement examinational regulation and executive basis.该检定方法已审定为地方计量检定规程,作为执法的依据....