2024年06月15日 07:07:08根和根冠被一鞘 状 结构,即胚根鞘所覆盖.Both root and root cap are covered by a sheath - like structure called the coleorhiza.用来保护发育的胚芽的鞘状的结构.Coleoptile A sheath like structure that protects the developing plumule in grasses.胚根鞘:... -
2024年06月15日 09:47:22You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!嫁给那个大腹便便的牛贩子的胖儿子?她宁愿去死!Always buy from a reputable d... -
2024年06月15日 08:54:05What business does Tui china do in china aside inbound?除入境游外,途易中国在中国还有哪些业务?Error while getting details of inbound and outbound documents.获取有关入站文档和出站文档的详细信息时出错.inbound tourists入境游客...a special inbound flight fro... -
2024年06月15日 01:14:35你最好有空的时候把那事情仔细想一下.You had better think over the matter at your leisure.只要他们不在阿纳海姆城开一家新的购物城, 你会有空的.Provided they're not opening a new shopping center in Anaheim, you will be.有空的时候就来打个招呼吧.If you've got ... -
2024年06月15日 09:31:35该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.她使出全身力气抡起榔头砸向他的脑袋。She swung the hammer at his head with all her might.他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbin... -
2024年06月15日 09:07:36The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.三名领先的竞争者陷入一场鏖战。The leading contenders are still slogging it out.处于领先位置的竞争者仍在激烈地角逐。The contenders faced off the debate at Iowa State University today.今天,竞选者... -
2024年06月15日 08:39:45Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。We are baking in the sun.我们在晒太阳。Drop the dough onto a baking sheet with a teaspoon.用茶匙把生面团舀到烤盘上。Toast hazelnuts on a baking sh... -
2024年06月15日 09:01:36He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro.他靠每周领取的作为病残养老金的直接转账救济支票过日子。Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.政客们想要的是不问是非、甘为他们搞宣传的哈巴狗一样的新闻媒体。We were i... -
2024年06月15日 09:31:20Her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes.她的脚巧妙地伸向了前端尖细的鞋子里.There are signs that inflation is tapering...种种迹象显示,通货膨胀率在逐渐下降。The tail long and tapering, reaching to the hipbone when drawn through between the... -
2024年06月15日 13:41:34布莱克看得出他已经惹怒了杰罗尔德,这也许并不是什么明智之举。Blake could see he had needled Jerrold, which might be unwise.杰罗尔德又笑了,声音浑厚而圆润。Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.马修·杰罗尔德迅速坐直了。With a swift movement, Matthew Jerrold sat u... -
2024年06月15日 13:15:12Conclusion The microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用.The synergism of SMA with above surfactants is weaker than SSMA.SMA与上述表面活性剂的复配增效作用比... -
2024年06月15日 09:33:38It is by way of admonition that he chastises those who are close to him.上主也这样鞭责我们,并不是为惩罚,乃是为警戒与他亲近的人.With this parting admonition, he left Clyde to his thoughts.这样临行前劝告了一番, 他就走了,留下克莱德自己想心事.Isabel listened with ... -
2024年06月14日 18:46:34The electricians have performed wonders in recording these long dead voices from old wax onto modern plastic surfaces.电气技师们很出色地把这些早已失传的声音从老唱片中转录到现代的塑料薄膜唱片上.Later skilled workers such as electricians and plumber... -
2024年06月15日 13:02:55The nightdress has handmade lace round the armholes and neckline...这件女式睡衣的袖孔和领口都镶着一圈手织花边。Front width between armholes at sleeve seam place 17?前袖孔之间的宽度在17套接缝的地方?The nightdress has handmade lace round the armhole...