2024年06月26日 11:28:28目的: 研究微小毛霉产凝乳酶的固体发酵条件.Objectives: to study fermentation conditions of chymosin from mutant strain Mucor pusillus.食品成分,如重组凝乳 酶 已投入市场.Food ingredients such as recombinant rennet ( ehymosin ) have also been launch... -
2024年06月26日 19:01:28Stunned, he became all aflutter. I resented his carelessness.他吓得手忙脚乱, 我恨他大意.His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.他那歇斯底里的笑声使所有的人不知所措。The leaders of the Kopper Company were then stunned speechless.科伯公司的... -
2024年06月26日 12:43:15The journey through the jungle was perilous.穿过丛林的旅行充满了危险.How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?As the storm was approaching, the fis... -
2024年06月26日 23:00:10Shunting movement When vehicles are moved without train data available.调车运行在无有效列车数据情况下驱使车辆移动.Shunting while travelling at full speed is also a risk.在全速行驶时做躲闪也是有风险的.Shunting signal A fixed signal intended for sh... -
2024年06月26日 13:45:20Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy.勃艮第大区一向被视为重要的美食中心。How are our wines and Mediterranean gastronomy combined harmoniously?如何和谐地搭配法国南部酒与地中海佳肴?Gastronomy : Art of selecting, preparin... -
2024年06月27日 01:55:18The number 107 is represented in hexadecimal as 6B.107这个数用十六进制表示为6B。The word hexadecimal is derived from the number 16.十六进制一词是从十六这个数得来的.As per our earlier discussion , the RAM will be located from FFOO to FFFF ... -
2024年06月27日 02:04:59协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations.它们是与储备主管培训相关的神秘体系的一部分。They were part of the black box associated with high-flyer management developm... -
2024年06月26日 21:19:19With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.伴随着隆隆的低沉噪声,螺旋桨开始旋转起来。Lysenko gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke.李森科说笑话的时候自己咯咯直乐。The crane made rumbling sound.吊车发出隆隆的响声.... -
2024年06月26日 17:31:19牛的口蹄疫能被无细菌的滤液传播.Food - and - mouth disease of cattle could be transmitted by bacteria - free filtrates.口蹄 疫 已传播到爱尔兰 、 法国、荷兰, 可能还有德国.Foot - and - mouth disease has already spread to Ireland, France and the Nethe... -
2024年06月27日 03:44:56It all brought back memories of a not very edifying past.所有这些都让人回想起一段并不那么愉快的过去。In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.在18世纪,人们认为美术和音乐、诗歌一样,能够起到教化作用。Young students a... -
2024年06月26日 21:59:25Is one transaminase crossing a gender elevatory how to do?一过性转氨酶升高怎么办?Alanine transaminase ( ALT ), albumin ( ALB ), serum hyaluronic acid ( HA ) and liver hydroxyproline ( Hyp ) were determined.治疗结束后通过肝组织病理学观察... -
2024年06月26日 21:21:03马斯特斯用了约20个钟头才到达那所房子。It had taken Masters about twenty hours to reach the house.我经常会为我的壁画画上10到20个嵌套图画。I frequently paint between 10 and 20 insets for my murals.我每天游20个来回。I swim 40 lengths a day.... -
2024年06月27日 03:41:03Writer believe that the Enfeoffment System System of Officials - hereditary System ofForces were the root cause.笔者认为其根本的原因在于春秋时期的分封制(采邑制)、世族世官制、非常备军制.After Qin Shi Huang unites six countries, will the system of... -
2024年06月26日 23:27:09Liftin or towing for cable car, cableway, ship, opeining bridge, hoisting in inclined shaft.缆车 、 索道牵引、斜井卷扬 、 船舶 、 监井、张拉吊桥 、 各种起重提升、牵引.This mower is provided with various functions of mowing, cuddling, bundling,... -
2024年06月27日 01:50:09Application - layer multicast ( ALM ) has gained popularity as an alternative of traditional multicasting.作为传统组播技术的取代方案,应用层组播获得了广泛研究.Great alm _ giving , lessens no man's living.慷慨的施舍, 并不能缓解人的生计....