
  • glucokinase例句

    2024年07月04日 09:44:09Expression of the exogenous genes was confirmed by assay of � � - galactosidase and glucokinase activity.基因的表达通过β 半 乳糖苷酶和葡糖激酶活性测定得到确证.The content of liver glycogen and the activity of liver glucokinase were stu...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • endometrioid例句

    2024年07月04日 10:19:02Co - expression of CgA and cytokeratin were detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma.(2)子宫内膜样腺癌组织中可见同时表达CgA与CK的细胞....
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • indiscernible造句

    2024年07月04日 05:04:10The transition was almost indiscernible.那转变几乎不能察觉....
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • caste造句

    2024年07月03日 22:23:04He was born into the lowest caste.他出生于最低贱的种姓.Look at every one equally, irrespective of rich or poor, noble or of low caste.平等地对待每一个人,而不论其贫富或贵贱。This book treats of the caste system in India.这本书论述了印度的种姓制度。the Hi...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • “渔网”造句

    2024年07月03日 14:59:20几个渔夫坐在木桶上修补渔网。Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their nets.当地渔民的渔网老是被水下的东西钩住。Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.货船的螺旋桨被渔网缠住了。The freighter fouled its propeller in fis...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • “预约”造句

    2024年07月04日 10:01:04无标志的预约型出租车沿街拉客是非法的。Minicabs are prohibited by law from touting passers-by for business.这家医院可能会限定只有当地居民才能预约。The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally.我在诊所有个预约。I have an appointment at the docto...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • Anzio造句

    2024年07月04日 08:48:58In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.1944年秋,盟军从安齐奥与萨勒诺攻入意大利本土。In autumn 1944 the allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno...1944 年秋,盟军从安齐奥与萨勒诺攻入意大利本土。The G...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • Steele造句

    2024年07月04日 11:19:58I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来.Lucy Steele completely imposes upon Barton and on the Ferrar family.露西·斯蒂尔完全控制了巴顿和费拉尔一家.Or, what Stanford University psychologis...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • medications例句

    2024年07月04日 03:00:57Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels.许多其他的药物治疗对胆固醇水平都有一定的影响。Sleeplessness is sometimes the side effect of certain medications.失眠有时是某些药物产生的副作用。She stopped taking the prescribed medicati...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • latterly造句

    2024年07月04日 03:40:58It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.直到近来我们才发现,它们其实是众多独立的礁石, 大约有2900个独立的...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • “强人”造句

    2024年07月04日 05:28:54你的军队在叙利亚已被一股强人击败.A band of highwaymen had defeated your army in Syria.他这样描写诺曼人征服英国: “ 两万强人在黑斯挺斯登陆. ”His version of the Norman Conquest was: " Twenty thousand thieves landed at Hastings. "烈火炼真金, 逆境出强人.Fire is th...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • suggestive造句

    2024年07月04日 06:40:51The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws...手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。...advertisements containing words or pictures of a sexually suggestive nature.含有挑逗性文字或图片的广告Yeat...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • rationed造句

    2024年07月04日 10:08:03Staples such as bread, rice and tea are already being rationed.面包、大米和茶叶等日常必需品已实行配给。Motorists will be rationed to thirty litres of petrol a month.汽车司机每月的油量将限定为30升。We were rationed to two eggs a day.每天配给我们两个鸡蛋。Ma...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • “尾波”造句

    2024年07月04日 10:29:53至少有两条尾波应该钻到那带头的运输舰底下.At least two wakes had to go under the lead transport.我们看见海豚在船驶过的尾波中跳跃.We watched dolphins leaping in the wake of the boat.飞机飞过会产生音爆,就像船只产生尾波一样.A sonic boom follows an aircraft as a wake fo...
    9144590 造句 7小时前
  • enjoyed造句

    2024年07月04日 12:17:01In his day , Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity.门杜萨在全盛时期极受人们欢迎.He enjoyed drinking and jesting with his cronies...他喜欢和老朋友喝喝酒、开开玩笑。He enjoyed exchanging banter with the customers.他喜欢和顾客开玩笑。His techniques won ...
    9144590 造句 7小时前