

Nicholas Sparks(尼古拉斯·斯帕克思,1965— )是当今享誉世界的畅销小说家。他的作品曾七次登上《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜第一名,全世界总销量超过5000万册,并已被译成40多种语言。另外,他的作品中已有四部被搬上了电影荧幕,分别是《瓶中信》、《罗丹岛之恋》、《初恋的回忆》和《恋恋笔记本》,纷纷轰动一时。


Dear Theresa,

Can you forgive me?

In a world that I seldom understand, there are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they 1)gust with the fury of a hurricane; sometimes they barely 2)fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore. You, my darling, are the wind that I did not anticipate, the wind that has gusted more strongly than I ever imagined possible. You are my destiny.

I was wrong, so wrong, to ignore what was obvious, and I beg your forgiveness. Like a cautious traveler, I tried to protect myself from the wind and lost my soul instead. I was a fool to ignore my destiny, but even fools have feelings, and I’ve come to realize that you are the most important thing that I have in this world.




我错了,错得如此厉害,不该忽视如此显而易见的东西, 我请求得到你的原谅。我就像一个谨慎的旅行者,努力避免受到风的吹袭,却反而失去了自己的灵魂。我太傻了,竟忽视了自己的命运。但是,即使傻子也是有感情的,所以我开始认识到,你是我在这个世界上遇到的最重要的人。


For the first few days after you left, I wanted to believe that I could go on as I always had. But I couldn’t. Every time I watched the sun go down, I thought of you. Every time I walked by the phone, I yearned to call. Even when I went sailing, I could only think of you and the wonderful times we had. I knew in my heart that my life would never be the same again. I wanted you back, more than I imagined possible, yet whenever I 3)conjured you up, I kept hearing your words in our last conversation. No matter how much I loved you, I knew it wasn’t going to be possible unless we—both of us—were sure I would devote myself fully to the path that lay ahead. I continued to be troubled by these thoughts until late last night when the answer finally came to me. Hopefully, after I tell you about it, it will mean as much to you as it did to me:

在你离开后的最初几天里,我曾想相信自己能够像以往那样继续生活。但是,我做不到。每次看到夕阳西下,我就想起你。每次经过电话机旁,我都禁不住想打电话给你。甚至出海航行的时候,我脑海里也都只想着你,以及我们曾经一起度过的美好时光。我打心底里明白到我的生活不可能再像以前那样了。我想要你回到我身边,这种渴望程度已经超乎了我的想象。然而,每次想起你的时候,我耳边总是会响起最后一次谈话时你所说的那些话。无论我有多爱你,我知道,除非我们——我们双 方——都确信我能够全心全意地投身于面前的这条路,否则一切都不可能实现。一直以来我都被这些想法困扰着,直到昨天晚上,终于有了答案。希望当我告诉你之后,你会跟我一样欣喜。

In my dream, I saw myself on the beach with Catherine; in the same spot I took you after our lunch at Hank’s. It was bright in the sun, the rays reflecting brilliantly off the sand. As we walked alongside each other, she listened intently as I told her about you, about us, about the wonderful times we shared. Finally, after some hesitation, I admitted that I loved you, but that I felt guilty about it. She said nothing right away but simply kept walking until she finally turned to me and asked, “Why?” “Because of you.”




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