Execution is the engine that generates zest for life(执行力是鼓舞生活热情的发动机)

Execution is the engine that generates zest for life. To be a lover of life, one must be an executor in life.

To be an executor, we must first and foremost be able to perform the tasks necessary and create the kind of life we envision for ourselves. That is what execution means, whether it is reading a book every day, going to work on time, going to the gym every day, meditating every day, going out to socialise, or developing a certain skill.

Whatever we do, as long as it's consistent with our values, the more we do it, the stronger we become. We will feel stronger and more capable.

Without the capacity to execute, we will feel like a weakling, as if life is always pushing against us. It seems that there is no free will. We are simply forced by life to do things we do not like to do. Many people who are stuck in depression and nihilism are very poor executors. Some of them are so bad at execution that they are stuck in a state of learned helplessness and become self-made victims

When our ability to execute declines, our self-esteem declines at the same time. This is because self-esteem consists of two dimensions: self-worth and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is our ability to do the things we want and need to do. We must maintain our ability to execute. Otherwise, our self-esteem will suffer and we will feel so bad about ourselves. Also, our efficacy will tank and we will feel so weak that sometimes it even becomes a burden for us to go out into the world and do the basic things.

Our ability to execute not only increases our self-esteem but also brings forth a joy that comes simply from consistently executing something every day. For example, we can pick up a book we love and read it for 30 minutes for 30 days straight and be consistent about it. Then joy will spontaneously arise as we build that kind of discipline.

It is a more abstract kind of joy that needs to be built consistently over the long term. If we do something for only a week, such as running, we will not feel the obvious positive effects immediately. Sometimes we may even feel pain. But if we continue running consistently for a month, we will become leaner, more muscular, more energetic and even more beautiful. This is the moment when we will feel a deep sense of joy. Our self-esteem will be strengthened naturally

This can be applied to every aspect of our lives. If we choose to do the right things and do them consistently over a long period of time, it will accumulate like a snowball over time. Then we will see these executions slowly build up in our lives, we will become healthier, more confident, more enthusiastic about life and even become a miracle of existence. Only through this can we attain an ultimate and deep satisfaction through which we can finally say that life is worthwhile.













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