俚语throw the hooks into somebody的意思解释和用法例句
throw the hooks into somebody 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)欺骗某人,使某人上钩 用法及例句:It takes work to throw the hooks into a life insurance company.要想欺骗人寿保险公司可得费一番功夫才行。... -
throw the bull的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw the bull (或crap)
throw the bull (或crap) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)闲聊,瞎扯,吹牛 用法及例句:The basketball guys threw the bull during time-outs.篮球队员们在比赛暂停时,聊闲天。 You’re just throwing the crap. Can it!你是在吹牛。别吹了!... -
俚语throw the books的意思解释和用法例句
throw the books 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(在街上)伸手向人乞讨 用法及例句:The hobo like a begger threw the books on the street for a hand-out.那流浪汉像个乞丐一样,在街上伸手向人乞讨施舍。... -
俚语throw the book at somebody的意思解释和用法例句
throw the book at somebody 用作动词的意思:严惩、严责某人,对某人判以重罪或重罚 用法及例句:The judge wanted to throw the book at Bruno.法官曾想要对布鲁诺判以重刑。... -
throw somebody out on somebody’s ear的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw somebody out on somebody’s ear (或ass)
throw somebody out on somebody’s ear (或ass) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(尤指粗暴地)驱逐某人 用法及例句:Straighten up, or I’ll throw you out on your ear. 你要改邪归正,!不然的话我就把你赶出门去。 The caretaker caught us and threw us out on our ass. 看门人逮住了我们,并把我们撵了出来... -
throw-out 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)假装伤病的职业乞丐 用法及例句:A throw-out who feigns sickness on the street is trying to gain sympathy from passers for begging money. 一个在街上假装有病的乞丐正在想方设法获取过路人的同情,向他们讨钱。... -
俚语throw money at something的意思解释和用法例句
throw money at something 用作动词的意思:大笔花钱以求解决某事 用法及例句:Don’t just throw money at it.在那件事上,别光大笔花钱。... -
throw-money 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)小额钱,找头,零钱(如小费等) 用法及例句:I have no throw-money about me. 我身边没有零钱。... -
俚语throw leather的意思解释和用法例句
throw leather 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)拳击,(尤指戴上手套的)打斗 用法及例句:I was throwing leather before you coutd crawl.你还没学会爬的时候,我就在打拳击了。... -
throw in the sponge的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw in the sponge (或towel)
throw in the sponge (或towel) 用作动词的意思: (拳击中)承认失败,认输,放弃不干 用法及例句:I think it’s time to throw in the towel.我看是该承认失败的吋候了。 Don’t throw in the sponge yet!You may still win if you go on!不要急着认输!坚持下去,你仍有可能赢!... -
throw one’s hat in the ring的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw one’s hat in (或into) the ring
throw one’s hat in (或into) the ring 用作动词的意思:参加竞选(或竞赛、讨论) 用法及例句:The con claimed he needed parole so he coutd throw his hat in the ring for the mayoral election.那囚犯要求假释,以使他能参加市长竞选。... -
throw somebody for a toop的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw somebody(或something) for a toop
throw somebody(或something) for a toop *见no for a toop... -
俚语throw down的意思解释和用法例句
throw down 用作动词的意思: 1.拒绝 用法及例句:He threw down my good offer.他拒绝了我的好建议。 2.(美国俚语)吃,大口吃东西 用法及例句:What time are you going to throw down tonight?今晚你打算什么时候吃饭? 3.(美国俚语)威胁或挑衅,找麻烦 用法及例句:The irate machos are just ahout to throw down.那些怒气冲冲的... -
throw bouquets at somebody的意思解释和用法例句,俚语throw bouquets at somebody(或something)
throw bouquets at somebody(或something) 用作动词的意思:赞扬、恭维、称颂(某人或某事物) 用法及例句:I don’t make a practice of throwing bouquets at any politician.我不恭维任何一个政客。...