undercover 用作名词的意思:从事秘密工作的特工人员 用法及例句:She was a very good detective,a narcotics undercover.她是一位很出色的侦探,一名缉查毒品的特工。... -
俚语under one’s belt的意思解释和用法例句
under one’s belt 用作形容词的意思:被自己获得的,掌握的或成功地完成的 用法及例句:Get a couple more months’ experience under your belt and we’ll talk about a promotion.等你再干上几个月有了经验,我们再来谈提升的事。... -
俚语under a cloud的意思解释和用法例句
under a cloud 用作形容词的意思:失宠的,受怀疑的,名誉扫地的 用法及例句:He has been somewhat under a cloud since they found the corpse in his closet.自从他们在他的壁橱里找到那具尸体之后,他就一直受到怀疑。... -
uncool 用作形容词的意思: [冷漠派和爵士乐界用语]狂热的,纵情的,兴奋的,粗鲁的,错误的 用法及例句:We’re immensely uncool to learn of your success.听到你的成功,我们感到极其兴奋。n still assumed that they would admit they were uncool about me.我仍然认为他们迟早会承认他们冤枉了我。... -
Uncle Whiskers的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Uncle Whiskers (=Mister Whiskers)
Uncle Whiskers (=Mister Whiskers) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[黑社会用语]联邦政府工作人员(包括特工人员),联邦政府的下层机构 用法及例句:Unde Whiskers is on our tail. Let’s blow town.联邦政府的特工在盯我们的梢。咱们出城去吧。 Mr.Whiskers is trying to get me to pay tax on those few bucks.联邦政府的税... -
Uncle Sam的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Uncle Sam (=Uncle)
Uncle Sam (=Uncle) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.联邦政府工作人员,联邦政府的下层机构 用法及例句:The cops called in Uncle Sam to help in the investigation.警方请联邦政府的工作人员来帮助调查。 Unck has some pretty strong ideas about who’s in charge of this investigation.关于由谁负责这项... -
Uncle Sugar的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Uncle Sugar (=Uncle Sam /2.)
Uncle Sugar (=Uncle Sam 2.) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)美国的象征(指美国政府) 用法及例句:Uncle Sugar wants a little more of your money this year.美国政府今年要你多付一点钱。 Tell Uncle Sam to spend a little less.叫政府少花一点钱。... -
uncle 用作名词的意思: 1.当铺老板 用法及例句:He has left his watch with his uncle.他已经把他的表当给当铺了。 2.(美国俚语)[黑社会用语]收购赃物的人 用法及例句:The loot had disappeared and been handled by an uncle.赃物不见了,落到一个收购赃物的人手里去了。 3. (美国俚语)[黑社会和吸毒者用语]联邦缉毒组织的执法人员 用法及例句:He’... -
俚语unc u.的意思解释和用法例句
unc u.(美国俚语)叔父,伯父,舅父 用法及例句:He’s unc to all little boys who like to play football with him.所有喜欢和他一起踢足球的小男孩都把他当叔叔。... -
umpty-umpth 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)不知多少次的,不知第多少次的(意指无数次的) 用法及例句:There is the umpty-umpth meeting of the joint conference committee, but still there is no budget.委员会联席会议的会不知开了多少次了,然而到现在预算还是没讨论出来。... -
umpty 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)十进位中某一个未确定数字的 (其后常连接一具体的个位数字) 用法及例句:the umpty-fifth regiment 笫 x 十五团... -
umpteenth 用作形容词的意思:不知多少的,不知第几次的 用法及例句:Here’s the umpteenth change.这不知道是第几次变动了。...