俚语war chest的意思解释和用法例句
war chest 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)竞选运动基金(为竞选筹款的特定专用资金) 用法及例句:They say the vice President has over $l million in his war chest.据说,副总统有超过百万关元的竞选运动基金。... -
warbler 用作名词的意思:女歌手 用法及例句:The new warbler made her first appearance and cheered.新来的女歌手初次登台,大受欢迎。... -
俚语War Box的意思解释和用法例句
War Box 用作名词的意思:陆军部 用法及例句:He is one of the big guns in the War Box.他是陆军部的权威人物之一。... -
俚语war baby的意思解释和用法例句
war baby 用作名词的意思: 1. (尤指经验不足的)青年军官 用法及例句:The high-ranking military officer said no to your promotion,because you’ rc still a war baby.那高级军官说过不绐你升级,因为你还年轻,经验尚少。 2.(美国俚语)战时发行的证奍(因战争而价格激增的证券) 用法及例句:All the war babies were then... -
Want to make something of it?的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Want to make something of it? (=Wanna make sumpin’ of it?)
Want to make something of it? (=Wanna make sumpin’ of it?)(美国俚语)你想决斗吗? 用法及例句:So,I’m a little ugly. Wanna make sumpin’ of it?不错,我是有点儿讨厌。你想跟我斗吗? n’m warped and smelly. Want to make something of it?我是变乖戾了,变臭了。... -
want list的意思解释和用法例句,俚语want list (=wish list)
want list (=wish list) 用作名词的意思: (某人所需要的)紧俏缺货清单 用法及例句:Some of the things on her want list we can take care of easily.她那张缺货淸单上的几样东西,我们可以毫不费力地予以满足。 All the weapons which the generals intend to buy were put on the wish list.将军们想买的所有武器... -
俚语want out的意思解释和用法例句
want out 用作动词的意思:想退出,想要离开 用法及例句:When there was another man available, I wanted uut of the gang.在有人可以接替我时,我就想退伙不干了。 One of the kids who had paid his money wanted out.有个已经付了钱的小伙子想退出了。... -
wangle 用作动词及名词的意思: (用巧妙的手法或不正当手段达到某项目的)智取,巧夺 用法及例句:President Truman has given Ching a free hand in trying to wangle agreements.杜鲁门总统授予钦以全权,去努力争取达成几项协议。 They tried to make a precise science out of the wangle.他们力图把智取巧夺之术变成一门严谨的学问。... -
wanabe的意思解释和用法例句,俚语wanabe (=wanna be)
wanabe (=wanna be) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)想当某种人的人,想要获得某物的人 用法及例句:All these teenyboppens are wanabes,and that’s why we can sell this stuff to them at any price. 所有这些爱穿时髦服装、迷恋流行音乐的姑娘都想当时髦女郎,这就是我们为什么能随便以任何价格把这东西出售给她们的原因所在。 A wanna be ca... -
wampum 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(源自美洲印笫安语)钱,现钞 用法及例句:How much wampum do you want for this thing?这东西你要价多少?... -
walyo的意思解释和用法例句,俚语walyo (=Wally-O)
walyo (=Wally-O) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (常作老年人对年轻人的称呼)小伙子 用法及例句:They called him walyo.他们称他为小伙子。 2.意大利人,意大利人的男性后裔 用法及例句:Did you hear how the Wally-0 stole a ballot box in the Fifth Ward?你有没有听说过那意大利人是如何从第五选区偷出来一只票箱的?... -
俚语waltz through something的意思解释和用法例句
waltz through something 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)轻易地或顺利地通过某事(的测试或验证等) 用法及例句:I waltzed through my comps and started on my research in my second year.我顺利地通过了我的综合专业测验,开始了我笫二年的调查研究...