weed 用作名词的意思: 1.烟草,一支雪茄或香烟 用法及例句:Throw that weed away and have a good one.把那支香烟扔了,换支好的吧。 2.大麻、一支大麻香烟,This weed is green but decent.这大麻没经过加工处理,但这是正宗的。... -
web 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(电台或电视台的)广播网 用法及例句:He had worked as pancake turner on the web. 他曾在广播网上当过唱片播放员。... -
weasel 用作动词的意思: 1.狡辩,说假活,耍滑头 用法及例句:They told the candidate to stop weaseling and get to the substance.他们叫那个候选人不要再耍滑头了,来点实在的东西。 2.(美国俚语)[黑社会用语]告密 用法及例句:Who weaseled to the cops?谁向警察告密了?n.l.(美国俚语)告密者,鬼鬼崇祟的人 用法及例句:You slimy weasel. H... -
weasel out of的意思解释和用法例句,俚语weasel out of(something)
weasel out of(something) 用作动词的意思:推诿、退出(做某事),逃避(责任) 用法及例句:They used an excuse to weasel out of the job.他们找了个借口把这项工作推托掉了。 You can’t just weasel out now when we need you.现在我们正需要你,你不能退出。... -
俚语weasel words的意思解释和用法例句
weasel words 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)骗人的谎言,滑头话,废话,空话,自吹自擂之词 用法及例句:The speaker lost himself in weasel words.那演讲人废活连篇,忘乎所以。... -
wear the pants的意思解释和用法例句,俚语wear the pants (in the house)
wear the pants (in the house) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)掌权,当家,主管一家的事 用法及例句:Mr Jones wears the pants in that house.那个家是琼斯先生在操持。 Well, somebody has to wear the pants.是啊,总得有人当家操持嘛。... -
俚语wear two hats的意思解释和用法例句
wear two hats 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)同时干两项工作或进行双重活动(如果数字改为2以上,则也可用于多项活动) 用法及例句:Each of these men wears two hats 用法及例句:one as top brass officer, the other as a member of the Joint Chiefs.这些人个个都是身兼二职 用法及例句:一方面是高级长官,另一方面是参谋长联席会议成员。 Busy women... -
wearies的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) wearies
(the) wearies 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)疲倦,精神不振 用法及例句:I’m getting the evening wearies. 毎到傍晚,我就闲乏、精神萎靡不振。... -
wear 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(常用于否定句)忍受、容忍、宽恕 (某事物) 用法及例句:I don’t mind but my wife won’t wear it.我不在乎, 不过我的妻子是不肯容忍的。... -
俚语weak sister的意思解释和用法例句
weak sister 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)不可靠的、怯懦无能的人(指男性) 用法及例句:Another weak sister and we’ll have to quit. We’ve got to pull together.再有一个怯儒无能的人,我们就不得不罢手了。我们得重新组织一下。... -
wazoo 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)臀部,肛门 用法及例句:The guy was running around with his wazoo showing. 当时,那家伙在光着屁股到处跑。... -
WBMTTP. (Which brings me to the point.的缩略)(美国俚语)[电子邮件和电脑通讯用语]把我领入网点 用法及例句:I agree with what Tom said. WBMTTP. I think we spend too much time worrying about these matters.我同意汤姆的话。这把我领入网点了。我认为我们花在担心这些事情上的时间太多了。...