whipsaw 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. 痛击,打击 用法及例句:The gang whipsawed an old man for about ten minutes.那帮人把一个老汉推来攘去打了十来分钟。 2.[证券市场用语]逼使投资者以低价抛出高价买进 用法及例句:A lot of people were whipsawed in the recent market volatility.最近市场变化无常,许多人都被弄得以低价抛出,髙价买进... -
俚语whip the cat的意思解释和用法例句
whip the cat 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.当走街穿巷的流动制鞋匠 用法及例句:I had whipped the cat for two years.我曾经当过两年流动鞋匠。 2.大惊小怪,紧张不安 用法及例句:Don’t whip the cat about that small cut on your finger.别为你手指上那个小伤口大惊小怪。... -
俚语whipped up的意思解释和用法例句
whipped up 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)[冷漠派用语]筋疲力尽的 用法及例句:I found the controllers dangerously whipped up.我发现管理人员都疲乏极了。... -
whip off的意思解释和用法例句,俚语whip (something) off
whip (something) off 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)快速地吃完或喝完(某物) 用法及例句:She whipped off the dishes in ten minutes.她在十分钟内就狼吞虎咽把几盘菜吃完了。... -
whipped 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.伟大的,宏大的,英勇的,高贵的 用法及例句:You look whipped, Sam. Things going well? 你看起来挺有气派,山姆。一切都进展顺利吗? 2.酒醉的 用法及例句:He slid under the table, whipped, for sure.他酒喝得滑到桌子下面去, 当然是喝醉了。... -
俚语Whip out的意思解释和用法例句
Whip out 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)握手或以其他方式致意 用法及例句:They are whipping out and greeting each other.他们在握手致意,相互问候。 Whip-out 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)钱(尤指第一批付款或投资) 用法及例句:A whole lot of what you call your up-front whip-out.这就是你所谓的预付款的全部。... -
whim-whams的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) whim-whams (=the wim-warns)
(the) whim-whams (=the wim-warns) 用作名词的意思:紧张不安,神经过敏 用法及例句:I always get the whim-whams there.我在那里老是心神不宁。... -
whifflow 用作名词的意思:[航海用语]小机件,小装置 用法及例句:The cabin was still a mess of smashed and battered whifftows.船舱里仍然是一堆给打碎的和砸坏的乱七八糟的小机件。... -
whiffer-sniffer的意思解释和用法例句,俚语whiffer-sniffer (=whiff-sniffer)
whiffer-sniffer (=whiff-sniffer) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)禁酒主义者,禁酒令拥护者 用法及例句:Martin is something of a whiff-sniffer. 马丁有几分赞成禁酒的意思。... -
whiff 用作动词的意思:l.(英国俚语)有气味,发臭 用法及例句:That fish whiffs a bit.那鱼有点发臭了。 2.(美国俚语)(棒球或高尔夫球)未击中球,使(击球员)三击不中出局 用法及例句:The hurler has whiffed two batters.那投球手已经让两名击球手出局了。 3.(美国俚语)用鼻吸(可卡因) 用法及例句:He was himself whiffing cocaine on a daily basi... -
whiffled 用作形容词的意思:酒醉的 用法及例句:Jed found himself a mite whiffled, but nobody else knew.杰德发觉自己有一点点醉了,不过其他人都不知道。... -
Where you been keeping yourself?的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Where (have) you been keeping yourself?
Where (have) you been keeping yourself?(美国俚语)你去哪儿了? 用法及例句:Long time no see. Where’ve you been keeping yourself?好久不见。你上哪儿去了?...