
  • penned造句

    2024年06月30日 22:45:24There our childhood had been penned up by an honest old dame.在那里,那诚实的老妇人曾关闭着我们的童年时代.I penned a few words to father today.今天我给父亲写了一封短信。She feels penned by her life as a housewife.她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚.Shepherds penned th...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • comforter造句

    2024年06月30日 23:00:07Bedding & Garment Products : Bedcover , Bedspread , Bedsheet, Blanket, Comforter, Towels and all kind of socks Etc.纺织品:床上用品: 床罩 、床单 、 丝棉被, 毛浴巾、各类男女袜 、 童袜、学生袜.the nurse as comforter of the sick作为疾病安慰者的护士Ann came...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • clamouring例句

    2024年06月30日 22:26:07The people were clamouring for his execution.人民强烈要求处死他.The children were clamouring to go to the zoo.孩子们大声吵着要去动物园.The troops were clamouring to go home.军队吵嚷着要回国....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • gasses造句

    2024年06月30日 18:12:08Fluid includes both gasses and liquids.流体包括气体和液体.Moon's weak gravity let the gasses slip away into space.月球的微弱引力允许气体逃到太空里去.If gases from pressure tanks are bubbled through the nutrient, only quality gasses...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Boccaccio造句

    2024年06月30日 17:09:09C : Yes , such as Dante Alighieri, Boccaccio and Ariosto.( 是的, 比如说但丁 、 薄伽丘和阿里奥斯托. )Boccaccio, Giovanni . Decameron . Trans and Wang Keyi. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Press, 1988.薄伽丘:《十日谈》, 方平王科一译. 上海: 上海译文出版...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • fructose例句

    2024年06月30日 22:10:10Burley found labeled glucose and fructose in equimolar amounts.波里发现等克分子量的示踪葡萄糖和果糖.Fructose is one of the most essential high - grade carbohydrates.果糖是大多数的人体必需的基本高级碳水化合物之一.Ketohexose A ketose SUGAR with six carb...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Weddings造句

    2024年07月01日 01:18:54Summer weddings need to be arranged months ahead.在夏季举行婚礼需要提前几个月作安排。In more elaborate weddings the best man will be assisted by several groomsmen and a ringbearer.在更为盛大的婚礼上,伴郎会由几个男傧相和一名男花童相伴.Other people's ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • jokingly造句

    2024年07月01日 01:36:54The academy's commandant, General Andrew Ritchie , jokingly warned of tough times ahead.军校司令安德鲁·奇将军打趣说, 苦日子还在后面呢.Sarah jokingly called her 'my monster'...萨拉戏称她为“我的怪兽”。She frowned at him, only hal...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • laparotomy造句

    2024年06月30日 22:29:54At laparotomy, ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp was found.剖腹探杳发现长段回肠-回肠-结肠型肠套叠,且肠套叠内层中有回肠肿瘤.Objective To compare the results of laparoscopy and laparotomy in cystectomy of benign ovarian cyst...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “僵局”造句

    2024年06月30日 22:53:54谈判在一些重大问题上陷入了僵局。The negotiations have got stuck on a number of key issues.他寻求连任的竞选运动陷入了僵局。His re-election campaign is floundering.欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局。European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Doomsday造句

    2024年07月01日 05:06:27We're going to build the Doomsday Machine and conquer the world.我们将建起世界末日时光机来征服整个世界.If they stop , the blimps switch to a doomsday program.使得飞行船上的程式启动那该怎么办?But the financial system would remain a doomsday ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Thai造句

    2024年07月01日 04:15:28Thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land...泰国航空公司说,该飞机已经得到降落许可。He took lessons in Thai cookery.他上了泰式烹饪的课程。Tam Yam Goon, Pad Thai , Thai Curry.你以前有听过这些菜肴吗?Thai food is terrific.泰国菜棒极了。Thai Ai...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “磨损”造句

    2024年07月01日 00:44:30任何地板上经常有轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.将用钢缆替换磨损的绳索。Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.购买部分磨损轮胎时要格外当心。Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-wo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • imperialism造句

    2024年07月01日 00:19:04Might is right -- that is the logic of imperialism.强权即公理 -- 这是帝国主义的逻辑....the notion of 'cultural imperialism' implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.“文化扩张主义”意味着一种文化等级体...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “海员”造句

    2024年07月01日 00:47:04男人们移居国外当海员。The men emigrate to work as seamen.有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况.Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.他伪装成海员到处流窜.He went about in the disguise of a sailor....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29