
  • factored造句

    2024年07月01日 15:11:58He factored his cousin's estate for five years.他经管他表兄弟的财产有五年之久。Bill Venners: Is there a difference between a well - factored program and a well - designed program?比尔: 构造良好的(well-factored )程序和设计良好的(well-des...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • ringing例句

    2024年07月01日 20:28:58"I think I hear the telephone ringing."—"Okay, I can take a hint."“我想我听到电话铃在响。”——“好的,我明白你的意思了。”Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing.随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash regi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • bootleg造句

    2024年07月01日 16:03:49...bootleg liquor.私酒Mr. Hong was more than a simple distributor of bootleg software.洪磊并不是简单的盗版软件销售者.The record was a bootleg.这张唱片是盗版的。Some students were arrested for selling bootleg recordings on the Internet.一...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “直言的”造句

    2024年07月01日 16:37:49标志, 一类是语直言的信息传布方法.The sign, one is not an information circulation way of the language.坦率直言的网站也遭到关闭.Outspoken websites are closed down....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “皮夹子”造句

    2024年07月01日 19:24:44有人从我的后口袋偷走了皮夹子.Someone has stolen my wallet from my back pocket.她付了款之后把收据放进皮夹子里.After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.扒手偷了她的皮夹子跑了.The pickpocket pinched her purse and ran away....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “视物”造句

    2024年07月01日 20:28:44患了视物模糊症,阅读就更加困难了.Clouded vision can make it more difficult to read.某些视觉先兆表现为奇异生动的视物变性.Some of the visual distortions can be exotic and bizarre.然后可能视物 、 说话 、 吞咽或移动手、脚出现困难.Later, there may be difficulties with vi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • protesting造句

    2024年07月01日 15:16:45Students were protesting at overcrowding in the university hostels.学生抗议大学宿舍过于拥挤。They were formally protesting.他们正式提出抗议。Bess shrieked with protesting laughter from the front room.贝斯在前屋尖声笑着喊道.She ran to us, prote...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “在家乡”造句

    2024年07月01日 11:16:45我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.他的遗愿是把他安葬在家乡萨默塞特郡附近的教堂里。His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home.他在家乡受到了发疯似的欢迎...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • urgently造句

    2024年07月01日 10:19:42Red Cross officials said they urgently needed bread and water.红十字会官员说他们急需面包和水。Legislation on this issue is urgently needed.这个问题急需立法。All of our hospitals are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urge...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • holed造句

    2024年07月01日 21:22:41He holed from nine feet at the 18th.他打到第18洞时从9英尺外击球入穴。The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago.警方认为抢银行的人藏在芝加哥.The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds.敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “企图的”造句

    2024年07月01日 18:55:43研究探讨了空中目标作战企图的识别问题.The problem of inferring air target combat intention is discussed.她觉得彼特对她好是有卑鄙企图的.She thinks Peter had base motives for being nice to her....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • aha造句

    2024年07月01日 21:27:39Aha! Here at last, the answer to my question.啊哈,我的问题到这儿终于有了答案。"Aha!" Dave nodded maddeningly.“啊哈!”戴夫令人气恼地点头说道。Aha! So that's where I left it!啊哈!原来我把它丢在这儿了!...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “小吃店”造句

    2024年07月01日 18:37:44他从学校小吃店偷了一条玛氏巧克力棒。He stole a Mars bar from the school tuck shop.他把货车改成流动小吃店.He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar.我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham s...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • pedlars造句

    2024年07月01日 11:09:45He set up a stand on the pedlars'market.他在集贸市场上设了个摊床.He is the braggest of all pedlars.他是所有小贩中最会吹牛的.Whither went all the tourists and pedlars with strange wares?他们都到哪里去了 呢 ?...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • injuries例句

    2024年07月01日 11:31:45Never force your legs to overstretch, or you can cause injuries.千万不要迫使双腿过度拉伸,否则会受伤的。He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall.有人坠落压在他身上,致使他颈部受重伤。Even minor head injuries can cause lo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29