
  • doorknobs例句

    2024年06月12日 13:14:28Flu virus can live on shared objects ( doorknobs, keyboards, counters, etc ).病毒可以在共用物品表面生存 ( 门把手 、 键盘 、 柜台等 ).The doorknobs, hinges and copper wiring were stolen, as were the appliances and carpet.门把手 、 铰链、铜配线,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • Delaware例句

    2024年06月12日 08:57:29The house commanded some splendid views of Delaware Bay.从这座房子可以俯瞰到特拉华湾壮丽的景致。As it is, he is only a brave and just - minded Delaware.眼下, 他还只是个又勇敢又正直的特拉华人.He then spoke earnestly to the Delaware who stood on guar...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • treads造句

    2024年06月12日 11:48:28The stair treads were covered with rubber to prevent slipping.楼梯踏板上覆盖着橡胶以防滑.He unwarily treads upon a viper asleep just before his feet.他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上.So she treads lightly , trying to create a collegial atmos...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • gainsay造句

    2024年06月12日 12:07:29Nobody can gainsay his claims.没人能够反驳他的说法。The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西.Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt.无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • left-handed例句

    2024年06月12日 02:03:30I noticed she was left-handed.我注意到她是个左撇子。My father thought that I'd be at a disadvantage if I wrote left-handed.我爸觉得我如果用左手写字,将来会吃亏的。I think it's due to being left handed that he's got terrible wr...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • placid造句

    2024年06月12日 04:21:30This decision reached , he finally felt a placid drowsiness steal over him.想到这, 来了一点平安的睡意.Carreen liked him because of his placid and unembarrassed silences.卡琳喜欢他那种平静而自在的默默无言的神态.He had a narrow, clean - shaven ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • miscellaneous造句

    2024年06月12日 09:53:30miscellaneous odds and ends零碎杂物There are miscellaneous tools, pliers , putty knife, polarity stamps, battery stamping or coding equipment, lead cutters.有各种工具 、 手钳 、 油灰刀, 极性印戮 、 电他标记打印或编号机 、 铅切刀.They eat a lot o...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “作调查”造句

    2024年06月12日 11:51:41他常常派他们出去作调查.He often sent them out to make investigations.你的意见已被记载并将对此作调查.Your complaint has been recorded and will be investigated.这个组织目前正在尼日尔作调查.The group is doing research in Niger....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • alkyl造句

    2024年06月12日 09:29:31Nonionics include polyoxyethylene condensates, sucrose esters and alkyl amine oxides.非离子型表面活性剂有聚氧乙烯缩合物糖酯和烷基胺氧化物.The general answer to this problem is to avoid alkyl halides.解决这一问题的一般办法是避免使用烷基卤.Nonionic surface ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • ailanthus造句

    2024年06月12日 13:08:41CONCLUSION: Cortex toona and ailanthus are different in plant origins, antimicrobial effects and ingredients.结论: 香椿皮、臭椿皮来源于两种不同科属的植物, 抗菌效果不同,成分不同,不宜混用....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “受保人”造句

    2024年06月12日 12:22:41受保人有否在其他保险公司拥有任何保单?Does insured has any other insurance policy ( ies ) with other insurance company?注: 如有其他受保人, 请另附纸张并填上以上资料.Note: If there are other Insured Persons, please attach a separate sheet with the abo...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • histopathology造句

    2024年06月12日 12:59:41Final diagnosis of MFH was achieved based on histopathology and immunohistochemical stains.最后的确定诊断有赖于组织病理切片以及免疫萤光染色等检查.All cases were diagnosed as junctional nevus or compound nevus in histopathology.其病理组织学上均确诊...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • fellow例句

    2024年06月12日 07:42:42By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.据说,罗杰是个好小伙。He was a tall, thin fellow with a slight stoop.他是个瘦高个儿,有点驼背。Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.埃迪四十多岁,矮矮胖胖的,头发日渐...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • finer造句

    2024年06月12日 11:54:41Sand is finer than gravel.沙子比碎石细.Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers...有些比较优美的字体经过价廉、通用的电脑打印机处理后就面目全非了。Microfibre fabrics are three times finer than cotton.微纤维织物比棉布精细3倍...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • sorption造句

    2024年06月12日 09:56:43Aim To investigate the sorption mechanism of chlorobenzenes on CTMAB modified kaolinite.目的探讨氯苯类化合物在CTMAB-高岭土上的吸附机理.Recent electronic means of pumping using low temperature sorption techniques and getter - ion p...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29