
  • glutamate造句

    2024年07月01日 11:51:14Glutamate ( Glu ) is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system ( CNS ) .谷氨酸 ( Glu ) 是 中枢神经 系统主要的兴奋性神经递质.Another interesting feature is the low chloride content, for glutamate is the chi...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “场”造句

    2024年07月01日 06:30:14最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool.虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。This show, too, ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “期中的”造句

    2024年07月01日 06:09:14这是一头出奶期中的母牛.It is a cow in milk.计算利率, 付款方式,贷款额,贷款摊还期中的任一样.Calculate the rate, payment principal or amortization by inputting any three known variables.研究单独采集血小板 ( 单采血小板 ) 和浓缩血小板在保存期中的活化情况.The activation of rand...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • neutralized造句

    2024年07月01日 12:42:59The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者打碎了一扇窗户进来,然后破坏了警报系统。The ammonium chloride is neutralized by vaporizing and thickening from mother liquors.而吸附钼后剩下的母液蒸发、浓缩、结晶出氯化铵,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • anteversion例句

    2024年07月01日 12:43:59Methods 30 volunteers were chosen anteversion angle of 40 femurs with CT.方法选择30名志愿者,CT定位扫描股骨头、颈及股骨髁(共40例).Conclusions The development of acetabular anteversion in children is a slow process.结论髋臼前倾角的发育在儿童期较为缓慢.F...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “杂乱地”造句

    2024年07月01日 10:59:59他的办公桌上杂乱地堆放着文件.His desk was littered with papers.银行匆忙地把所有的钱都杂乱地集中在一起,然后贷给成千上万的借款者。The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.那扇门被杂乱地刻划。...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • nothing造句

    2024年07月01日 05:00:00The son had nothing to do with arranging the funeral, but came along to pay his last respects.这个儿子没有参与葬礼的安排,但是来向遗体告别了。It is a cosmetic measure which will do nothing to help the situation long term...这项举措只是表面文章,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “花招”造句

    2024年07月01日 06:54:00然而这个花招竟害了自己。The trick boomeranged, though.大家都看见了你对我耍的花招。Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me.银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • exotropia造句

    2024年06月30日 23:25:00Suppression, ARC and NRC were 13.85 % , 56.15 % and 30.00 % respectively in exotropia.外斜视130例中,视觉抑制 、 ARC,和NRC分别为13.85%、56.15%和30.00%.AIM : To evaluate the effect of surgical treatment of concomitant exotropia ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • affirmatory例句

    2024年06月30日 20:19:00Article basis afore - mentioned viewpoints, analysed the affirmatory method median.文章依据上述观点, 分析了中位数的确定方法.This kind of advantage is decided really, should be affirmatory in the trends of the market.这种优势的确定, 应该是在...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “秘鲁人”造句

    2024年07月01日 07:09:04这种疾病今年已夺去了数千秘鲁人的生命。The disease has killed thousands of Peruvians this year.那个秘鲁人会帮他跑, 而我要选自己的参赛者.The Peruvian will run for him, and l'll pick my runner.比如, 秘鲁人不太喜欢鳗鱼, 而鳗鱼是非常普通的寿司甜品酱原料.Peruvians didn't...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “扔去”造句

    2024年07月01日 09:33:05他把椅子向着门扔去.He dashed the chair against the door.她抓起玩具娃娃,用力往石墙上扔去。She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.她站在离他十英尺远的地方,把邮件向他扔去.She slung the mail at him from ten feet away....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • “棕榈”造句

    2024年07月01日 04:21:05棕榈泉有高档的餐厅和奢华的夜生活。Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.《野棕榈》由奥利弗·斯通制片,达娜·德莱尼、吉姆·贝鲁西和安吉·迪金森联袂主演。Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" co-stars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.最终,...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • teatime例句

    2024年07月01日 02:33:06We left at teatime.我们是在下午晚些时候动身的。We stopped working at teatime.我们在用茶时停止了工作.She was allowed to amuse herself as she liked till teatime.她被允许随心所欲地一直玩到吃茶的时候....
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29
  • frosting造句

    2024年07月01日 07:27:06...a huge pastry with green frosting on it.撒有绿色糖霜的一大块油酥糕点Moonlight was frosting the dew, and an old sundial threw a long shadow.月光把露水照得雪白, 一座旧日规投出一条长长的影子.She smiled and winked as I bit into the moist chocolate ...
    9144590 造句 2024-09-29