Three Passions I have Lived For吾之三愿by Bertrand RussellThree passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These... -
并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。励志歌曲? .用英语怎么说?
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。励志歌曲? .... -
英文短篇小说欣赏- 七个铜板
七个铜板主要内容:小说以母亲的笑贯穿全篇,描写一个贫苦的妇女为了凑够七个铜板,买一块肥皂给家人洗衣服,不得不翻箱倒柜,最后在一个老乞丐的帮助下,才凑够七个铜板,可肥皂却没买成,女主人终于笑的咯了血的悲惨故事。反映了20世纪初匈牙利劳动人民的贫困和痛苦,赞扬了母子间、穷人间深刻的理解和淳朴真诚的友爱。作者介绍:莫里兹早期短篇小说《七个铜板》,以别开生面的形式描写了穷人的“哭”与“笑”,因内容与形式的创新而轰动文坛。第一次世界大战期间到前线采访,1916年发表... -
I'll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall,To brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall.On a canvasof joy outlastingthe years,With a soft brush of sweetnessto dry all your tears.我要为你画一道彩虹高挂在墙上,在灰霾降临时点亮你的心灵。在一块历经岁月的欢乐画布上... -
We Never Told Him He Couldn’t Do ItMy son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally - but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were spe... -
Some people hate going to school but I loved it. My friends and I had a great time. One of my best friends was Lisa. We were in the same dance club at school. One day in math class, I answered a question and got it right. Suddenly... -
If you suddenly get old tomorrow, would you feel regret when you look back at your life?如果明天你就会突然变老,当你回顾你这一生的时候,你会感到遗憾吗?Or would you feel that your life is worth it?还是说,你觉得这一生很值得?Or you have never thought about this kind of things... -
SAND OR STONE 写在沙子或者石头上的话A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. In a specific point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, ... -
人生就像是一次旅行,从一出生我们就坐上了生命的列车。前方是未知的,充满了神秘的色彩,在旅行的过程中有许许多多的人,他们有的要上车,有的要下车。珍惜旅行中的人和事,因为你前进的路途很遥远。旅程Journey意志倒下的时候生命也就不再屹立歪歪斜斜的身影又怎耐得秋叶萧瑟晚来风急When will collapses to ground,Life won’t stand on its end.How can a shaky figure standIn... -
20几岁的女孩该怎样生活?Being a woman in your 20s is a glorious thing. You’re at a stage where you can take risks in life and in your career, and the possibilities for both are seemingly endless. But that uncertainty can also cause stress, d... -
And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping? First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand. I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfor... -
我想向朋友形容自己看到孩子学会击球时的喜悦之情。我想让她留意宝宝第一次触摸狗的绒毛时的捧腹大笑。朋友的表情让我意识到自己已经是热泪盈眶。“你永远不会后悔,”我最后说,然后紧紧地握住朋友的手,为她、为自己、也为每一位母亲献上自己的祈祷……Time is running out for my friend. While we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are t...
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