人生就是一段旅程,人在地上也不过是寄居的,这世上所有的一切都会过去,然而就是在这个旅程中,人们可以去学习很多的东西,去寻找那具有永恒价值的意义之所在。Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life... -
短篇美文赏析-坚持不懈 直到成功
The Scroll Marked Three 羊皮卷之三I will persist until I succeed.坚持不懈。直到成功。In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a... -
You've been working out regularly for quite a while, but you're nowhere near your fitness goals. So now it's time to bring in your ultimate weapon -- your mind.Rather than thinking of fitness as something mysterious th... -
If You Were Coming in the Fallby Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)在一八八六年与世长辞;而她深锁在盒子里的大量创作诗篇,则是她留给世人的最大厚礼。纵然在她有生之年,她的作品未能获得当时的青睐,然而周遭众人对她的不解与误会,却丝毫无法低损她丰富的创作天分。根据现存作品,艾米莉惊人的创作力为自己,也为世人留下一千八百首诗,包括了定本的一千七百七十五首与新近发现的二十五首。If you... -
Those Teenage YearsWhen you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the different movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a row.When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked ... -
The Story of the Bad Little BoyMark TwainOnce there was a bad little boy whose name was Jim — though, if you will notice, you will find that bad little boys are nearly always called James in your Sunday-school books. It was strang... -
There is a growing tendency nowadays for parents to send their children to register and attend a great variety of arts courses, such as dancing, calligraphy and musical instruments training, etc. The attitudes of people towards th... -
天上不会掉馅饼 ,想要收获必需付出辛勤的劳动。如果你还在埋怨自己不够富有,那么说明你的努力还不够。这个经典的小故事,你看懂了多少呢?遍地是黄金,想要就去挖吧!!!The hidden gold隐藏的金子There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his ... -
英语美文欣赏:The Chimney Sweeper(扫烟囱孩子)--William Blake
The Chimney Sweeper 扫烟囱孩子(二)--William Blake --威廉.布莱克The Chimney Sweeper is a poem by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence and of Experience in 1794. It is located early in Songs of Experience, between The Little Girl Fou... -
☆诗歌欣赏☆ Never forget 励志英文诗
Never forgetYour presence is a gift to the world.You’re unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to beTake it one day at a time.Focus on your blessings, not your troubles.And you’ll make it through wh... -
生活总是感觉很悲伤?有一句话是这样说的,生活对于感性者是悲剧,对于理性者是喜剧,我们一生注定悲喜参半,而学会用理性的方式,欣赏生活的美,兴许能寻得更多幸福!Someone asked on a forum: "What’s your "secret" to a happy life? What makes your days blissful?"有人在论坛上问:“你保持生活愉悦的秘诀是什么?是什么让你的生活美滋滋的?“I’m not... -
A little boy asked his mother "why are you crying?"一个男孩问他的妈妈:“ 你为甚么要哭呢?”"Because i’m a woman," she told him.妈妈说:“因为我是女人啊。”"I don’t understand," he said.男孩说:“我不懂。”His mum just hugged him and said, "and you never will."他... -
You have to be a smaller size. You have to burn more fat. You have to tighten your butt, firm your abs, fit into those skinny jeans, and do it all in 3 weeks! That just sucks.你得穿更小尺码的衣服,你得燃烧更多的脂肪。为了在3个星期内能够穿上紧身牛仔裤,你咬牙拼命减肥收臀紧腹?真没劲。... -
The idea of spending a year away from home is something that appeals to nearly everyone. So why is taking a gap year still considered the wildcard?几乎每个人都有想要出门放空一年的想法。但为何这样的举动仍被认为是疯狂的呢?For a teenage student, the prospect of providi... -
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