俚语from the horse’s mouth的意思解释和用法例句
from the horse’s mouth 用作副词的意思:确凿可靠 用法及例句:I got the tip from the horse’s mouth.我十分有把握地得到了这秘密消息。... -
俚语from scratch的意思解释和用法例句
from scratch 用作副词及形容词的意思:从零开始,从点滴做起,白手起家 用法及例句:We had to do it all again, from scratch.我们只好全部再做一遍,从头开始 用法及例句: His from-scratch enterprise failed in his ventures.他白手起家的企业投机失败了。... -
俚语from hunger的意思解释和用法例句
from hunger 用作形容词及副词的意思:(美国俚语)低级的(地),极差的 (地),蹩脚的(地),令人不快的(地) 用法及例句:I started giving the three witches at the next table the eye again.That is the blonde one.The other two were strictly from hunger.我又开始向邻桌的三个迷人女子抛媚眼。对象是金色头发的那一个。另外的... -
frogskin 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)一美元,钞票,钱 用法及例句:He not only got his quail, but a handful of frogskin as well.他不仅把漂亮姑娘搞到了手,而且还搞到了一笔钱。... -
俚语frog up的意思解释和用法例句
frog up 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)[黑人用语]受骗上当,使混乱,搞乱,弄糊涂 用法及例句:They frogged up the teacher by having the same names. 他们因同名同姓把教师给搞糊涂了。... -
frogsticker的意思解释和用法例句,俚语frogsticker (=frog-sticker)
frogsticker (=frog-sticker) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)长刃刀子,剌刀 用法及例句:Out comes your liver on the end of this frog-sticker.这把刀能把你的肝脏给挑出来。... -
froggy (美国俚语)[黑人用语]爱寻衅的,好斗的,敢作敢为的 用法及例句:Don’t speak in a froggy voice!你说话别这么呛人!... -
Frog 用作名词的意思:(英国俚语)法国人,法语 用法及例句:My dad was in France during the last war. He knows those Frogs.二次大战时,我爹在法国呆过,他了解那些法国人。 He asked me in Frog.他用法语问我。 frog (=Frog) Frog用法一 用作名词的意思: 1.(美国俚语)[青少年用语]呆板守旧的人 用法及例句:Anybody who still wears s... -
‘fro的意思解释和用法例句,俚语’fro (=fro)
‘fro (=fro) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[黑人用语][校园用语](非洲黑人的)蓬松卷发或卷得很紧的发型 用法及例句:the curly’fro which has found particular favor among the men.在男人中间特别流行的卷得很紧的发型... -
fritz 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)使出故障 用法及例句:Lightning hit some wires and fritzed the generator.闪电击中了几根电线,使发电机出了故障。 The television camera fritzed out.电视摄像机出毛病了。 *见on the fritz, put the fritz on something, Fritz n, 德国人... -
frivol 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)混日子,胡闹,干无聊事 用法及例句:I wish I could frivol away my summer.我希望我能混过这个复天。... -
frisk 用作动词及名词的意思: 1.搜(某人)身(尤指搜査武器或违禁品),搜査 用法及例句:The police frisked them for hidden weapons.警察搜查他们身上是否藏有武器。 They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.为査抄毒品,他们在他身上仔细地搜了一遍。 Let’s go up and frisk the apartment!我们上去,把那公寓搜查一下! 2.(... -
frip 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)令人不快的,讨厌的,卑鄙下流的,糟糕透顶的 用法及例句:Nothing could be more frip than getting down to work in the first week of fall.没什么能比秋季第一个星期就要开始认真工作更令人不快了。... -
frig 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.手淫,性交 2.欺骗,骗取,捉弄 用法及例句:He frigged me out of my money.他骗取了我的钱。... -
frig around的意思解释和用法例句,俚语frig around (或about)
frig around (或about) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)浪费时间, 虚度光阴,闲混,闲荡 用法及例句:He is always frigging around doing nothing.他老是荡来荡去,无所事事。...
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