俚语go with the flow的意思解释和用法例句
go with the flow 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)[反主流文化用语]随大流 用法及例句:They pondered a while and decided to go with the flow and they all went back to sleep.他们仔细考虑了一下,决定还是随大流,都回去睡觉了。 No, just relax and go with the flow.不,只要放宽心,随大流就行。... -
go with the territory的意思解释和用法例句,俚语go (或come) with the territory
go (或come) with the territory 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)受(某种职业或地位的)约束而身不由己 用法及例句:Jack did it that way because,as he puts it,he had to go with the territory.杰克这么做,照他所说,是因为人在江湖身不由己。... -
gow 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[吸海者用语] 1. 毒品,大麻香烟 用法及例句:He always has a gow with him.他总是随身携带着毒品。 2.全裸或半裸女人照相或画 用法及例句:There’re a lot of gows in this magazine.这本杂志里有许多裸体女人照。... -
gowed-up 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)[吸毒者用语]被毒品麻醉的 用法及例句:Some gowed-up runt laid in bed all the morning. 有个被毒品麻醉的蠢家伙在床上躺了整整一上午。... -
go upside one’s face的意思解释和用法例句,俚语go (或hit) upside one’s face (或head)
go (或hit) upside one’s face (或head) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)殴打或用拳头连击(尤指对方头部),大败、痛击 (某人) 用法及例句:I went upside his head with a hard blow. 我朝他头上重重地打了一拳。... -
gourd 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)头,脑袋 用法及例句:I raised up and got a nasty blow on the gourd.我直起身来,头上猛地被撞了一下。... -
俚语go up in the air的意思解释和用法例句
go up in the air (美国俚语) 1.[戏剧用语](演员)没听清楚提示或在台上忘记台词 用法及例句:There appeared a few minutes of stage wait because the actor went up in the air.台上出现了几分钟的冷场,因为演员忘词儿了。... -
俚语go up的意思解释和用法例句
go up 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(吸毒者用语)被毒品麻醉,(开始)感到毒品的效应 用法及例句:Gert started to go up and suddenly fell asleep.格特开始感到毒品的效应,很快就入睡了。... -
俚语go up in smoke的意思解释和用法例句
go up in smoke 用作动词的意思:被烧光,被烧毁,覆灭 用法及例句:The barn full of hay went up in smoke.堆满干草的谷仓被烧毁了。 He just saw his careful plan go up in smoke.他眼见自己精心策划的计划落空了。... -
俚语go up against的意思解释和用法例句
go up against 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)对抗,挑战 用法及例句:So that’s the kind of piffle actors have to go up against.所以对那种无聊的话,演员们不得不加以抵制.... -
俚语go to town的意思解释和用法例句
go to town 用作动词的意思: 1.尽情作乐,大笔花钱,毫不克制地说或做 用法及例句:They have really gone to town on decorating their new home.他们为了装璜新房子确’实花了大笔钱财。 2.(美国俚语)干劲十足,飞黄腾达 用法及例句:Man, our team is really going to town. 哈,我们队现在真是干劲十足。... -
俚语gouch off的意思解释和用法例句
gouch off 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(吸毒后)昏倒,昏迷过去 用法及例句:After taking the stuff, Gary gouchod off.加莱服用那毒品后就晕倒了。... -
俚语go to the wire的意思解释和用法例句
go to the wire 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)(比赛或竞争)直到最后,到最后一刻 用法及例句:They were absolutely evenly matched and went right to the wire.他们旗鼓相当,还是胜负难分,一直比到最后一刻。... -
俚语go to the wall的意思解释和用法例句
go to the wall 用作动词的意思: 1.生意失败,破产,垮台 用法及例句:Sincc the war, several magazines have gone to the wall. 自战争开始以来,已有好几家杂志停刊了。 2. (在倾轧中因实力弱)被迫让步,败北,让位 用法及例句:They are both in love with her, and one must go to the wall.他俩都爱她,于是势必有一人要让步 3.竭... -
go to the mat的意思解释和用法例句,俚语go to the mat (with)
go to the mat (with) 用作动词的意思: (与…)斗殴、激烈竞争或争论 用法及例句:They soon stopped sparring and went to the mat.他们刚吵了几句,接着就打起来了。 The union may go to the mat with the management over wages.工会可能与资方就工资问题进行激烈争论。... -
俚语go to the dogs的意思解释和用法例句
go to the dogs 用作动词的意思:堕落,垮台,毁灭 用法及例句:He seems to have gone completely to the dogs and spends all his time in the pub.他好像已经完全堕落了,整天泡在酒吧里。 According to some pessimists, the country is going to the dogs.按照 悲观者的看法,那个国家正在衰落。... -
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