handkerchief-head 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.对白人唯命是从的黑人 用法及例句:He’s such a handkerchief-head like Uncle Tom.他活像是汤姆叔叔,对白人俯首贴耳。 2. (为保护发式不走样而)戴头巾的黑人男子 用法及例句:The handkerchief-head is coming around here very often.What’s up?那戴头巾的黑人男... -
handle handle用法一 用作名词的意思: 1.方法,点子,途径 用法及例句:I can’t seem to get a handle on what’s wrong.我好像对于问题所在摸不着头脑。 2.名字,绰号,头衔 用法及例句:He is known by that handle ever since to all pals.从此,他那个绰号就在哥儿们当中叫开了。 3. (对赛马、赌博等投下的)赌注总额,(体育比赛等的... -
俚语hand it to somebody的意思解释和用法例句
hand it to somebody 用作动词的意思:赞扬、恭维、承认某人的长处 用法及例句:Well, I have to hand it to you.好吧,对你我甘拜下风。 He had to hand it to her foT her excellent performance.她出色的表演让他心悦诚服。... -
hand in one’s dinner pail的意思解释和用法例句,俚语hand (或pass, turn) in one’s dinner pail
hand (或pass, turn) in one’s dinner pail 用作动词的意思:死 用法及例句:The blacksmith was handed in his dinner pail of the rum bottle and a stroke.那铁匠死于和中风。... -
hand-in-glove 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)一搭一档非常相配的 用法及例句:These two went together like hand-in-glove,这俩人在一块儿十分相配。... -
handful 用作名词的意思: 1.[黑社会用语]五年徙刑 用法及例句:He was under sentence of handful.他被判了五年徒刑。 2.难控制的人或物,费劲的事,麻烦事 用法及例句:Litlle Jimmy is a handful.看管小吉米可真不容易。 I shall have a handful when those boys come home for the holiday.等那些男孩回家度假时,我的麻烦事儿就多了。... -
俚语hand in one’s checks的意思解释和用法例句
hand in one’s checks 用作名词的意思:死 用法及例句:My father handed in his checks three years ago.我的父亲三年前去世了。... -
俚语hand somebody a lemon的意思解释和用法例句
hand somebody a lemon 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)捉弄、欺骗(某人) 用法及例句:If they hand me a lemon.I”lI be onto their tricks at once.他们要是想捉弄我,我马上就会识破他们的诡计。... -
handbook的意思解释和用法例句,俚语handbook (=horse room)
handbook (=horse room) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[赛马赌博用语]赌注登记处,赌注经纪人事务所 用法及例句:I was in a handbook near Madison.我在麦迪逊(美国威斯康星州首府)附近一家赌注经纪人事务所里工作过。... -
俚语ham up的意思解释和用法例句
ham up 用作动词的意思: 把…表演得过火,做作、夸张 用法及例句:The baseball umpire was hamming up his signals for the benefit of the TV audience.棒球裁判有意把他的手势做得很夸张,以便电视观众看得清楚些。... -
hand 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.强加于、硬要(人作某事) 用法及例句:What kind of con job was he trying to hand you?那时他想方设法硬要叫你去干什么骗人勾当呢? 2. (hand somebody something)把某事再诉某人,向某人说无用的或没意义的话 用法及例句:Don’t hand me that stuff!That’S silly!不要对我说那种废话!无聊!... -
hammer-man的意思解释和用法例句,俚语hammer-man (=hammerman)
hammer-man (=hammerman) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[黑人用语]铁腕人物,权威人士,权势人物 用法及例句:l’m no hammer-man, but I do have a little power around here.我虽不是权威人士,不过在这儿还有点儿小权力。... -
hammertails 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)礼服,燕尾服 用法及例句:You look pretty good in your hammertails.你穿上燕尾服,看上去样子挺帅。... -
hammered 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)喝醉了的 用法及例句:Man, old Fred was really hammered.老兄,老弗雷德的确是喝醉了。... -
俚语hammer lane的意思解释和用法例句
hammer lane (美国俚语)[卡车司机用语]超级公路的快车道 用法及例句:How could you drive your old car on the hammer lane?你怎么能把你那辆老爷车开到快车道上去?...
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