俚语hit under the wing的意思解释和用法例句
hit under the wing 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语)酒醉的 用法及例句:Sally was a little hit under the wing, but she wasn’t bad off at all.萨莉有点儿喝醉了,不过醉得不算太厉害。... -
俚语hit up的意思解释和用法例句
hit up 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)[吸毒用语]注射毒品 用法及例句:She slipped into the back room to hit up.她溜到后面房间里注射毒品去了。... -
俚语hit the ties的意思解释和用法例句
hit the ties 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)沿铁路徒步旅行 用法及例句:lt was up to me to hit the lies to Wadsworth.我是沿看铁路步行去沃兹沃思。... -
俚语hit the trail k.的意思解释和用法例句
hit the trail k.(美国俚语)出发,离开(尤指某人在骑上马时) 离开 用法及例句:I have to hit the trail before sunset. 我必须在日落之前动身离开... -
俚语hit the spot的意思解释和用法例句
hit the spot 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. (尤指食物和饮料)使人十 分满意、切合需要 用法及例句:Mother’s apple pie always hits the spot with the boys.母亲做的苹果馅饼总是最合男孩们的口味。 2. (说得或估计得) 十分准确 用法及例句:Pete’s prediction hit the spot.皮特的预计十分准确。... -
俚语hit the silk的意思解释和用法例句
hit the silk 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)跳伞 用法及例句:We have seen hundreds of soldiers billing the silk.我们看到了数以百计的士兵在跳伞。... -
俚语hit the skids的意思解释和用法例句
hit the skids 用作动词的意思: 1.走向穷困,开始堕落 用法及例句:Jed hit the skids when he started drugging.杰德一始吸毒,就走堕落了。 2.急剧下降,惨败 用法及例句:The business of our firm hit the skids when the dollar collapsed.美元暴跌,我们公司的生意一落千丈。 Eventually they had hit the ski... -
俚语hit the sidewalks的意思解释和用法例句
hit the sidewalks 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)徘徊街头,到处转悠(尤为寻找工作) 用法及例句:After graduation Davy hit the 7th Street sidewalks.毕业后戴维在第七街徘徊转悠(想找份工作)。... -
俚语hit the rods的意思解释和用法例句
hit the rods (美国俚语)[无业游民用语]免费搭火车 (尤指冒险搭运货列车) 用法及例句:No chance of getting away from town unless he wanted to hit tlie rods.除非他愿意冒险搭货运车走。不然就没机会逃出城去。... -
俚语hit the pipe的意思解释和用法例句
hit the pipe 用作动词的意思: (美国俚语)吸毒(尤指吸鸦片) 用法及例句:Most addicts hitting the pipe died out thirty years ago.吸鸦片的瘾君子大多在30年前就逐渐消失了。... -
hit the panic button的意思解释和用法例句,俚语hit the panic button (=press the panic button, push the panic button)
hit the panic button (=press the panic button, push the panic button) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)惊慌失措,全面告急 用法及例句:She hit the panic button and just went to pieces. 她大惊失色,精神都垮了。 Keep cool,don’t press the panic button!要冷狰,不要惊慌失措!... -
俚语hit the road的意思解释和用法例句
hit the road (美国俚语) 1.后程,动身 用法及例句:We plan to hit the road about dawn.我们计划在黎明时分启程。 2. (下逐客令)走开 用法及例句:Hit the road,Jack,and don’t you come back no more.杰克,你给我走,别再回来了。... -
俚语hit the mat的意思解释和用法例句
hit the mat 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.被击倒在地 用法及例句:He hit the mat by his attacker.他被袭击者打倒在地。 2.迅速伏地隐蔽 用法及例句:I hit the mat the minute I heard the shots.我一听到枪声,马上就卧倒隐蔽了。 3. 起床,下地 用法及例句:Hit the mat! Time to rise arid take the sun!起床啦!该起来了,去晒晒太... -
俚语hit the nail on the head的意思解释和用法例句
hit the nail on the head 用作动词的意思:正中要害,猜中,说得对,做得好 用法及例句:His few quiet remarks hit the nail on the head.他的话并不多,但正中要害。 In so saying you hit the nail on the head.你这样说真是一针见血。... -
俚语hit the hump的意思解释和用法例句
hit the hump 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)越狱,开小差,逃跑 用法及例句:Some soldiers quietly hit the hump during the night.几个士兵在夜间悄悄地开了小差。 She hit the hump from marriage to a small boy.要她与一个小男孩结婚,她逃走了。... -
hit the hay的意思解释和用法例句,俚语hit the hay (=hit the pad ,hit the sack)
hit the hay (=hit the pad ,hit the sack)(美国俚语)v. 上床睡觉 用法及例句:I have to go home and hit the hay pretty soon.我得马上回家睡觉。 Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.路易斯 十分疲劳,吃过晚饭就上床睡了。... -
hit the jackpot的意思解释和用法例句,俚语hit the (或a) jackpot
hit the (或a) jackpot 用作动词的意思: 1.嬴一大笔钱,大获全胜或成功 用法及例句:Sally hit the jackpot in the lottery.萨莉在那次抽奖中赢得了一大笔钱。 I hit the jackpot with this new job.我干这工作大显了身手。 2.如愿以偿寻获(某物) 用法及例句:I wanted a small house with a fireplace, and I really h... -
俚语hit the high spots的意思解释和用法例句
hit the high spots 用作动词的意思: 1.(美国俚语)出去参加晚宴和舞会 用法及例句:We’ll hit the high spots this evening.今晚我们将去参加舞会。 2.涉及、阐述、观看主要部分 用法及例句:In his lecture he hit the high spots of his subject.他在讲课中阐述了课题的要点。...
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