俚语like crazy的意思解释和用法例句
like crazy 用作副词的意思: 狂烈地,过分地 用法及例句:Then everybody laughs like crazy.大家随之狂笑不已。 Here were all those guys consuming like crazy.这儿所有的那些人都是在疯狂地挥霍消费。... -
like death warmed over的意思解释和用法例句,俚语like death warmed over (或up)
like death warmed over (或up) 用作形容词的意思:令人恐惧的,精疲力竭的,悲惨凄苦的,像死人一般的 用法及例句:0h, my God! You look like death warmed over! 啊,我的天!你的脸色好吓人! A tall, black-garbed gentleman lay there, looking like death warmed up.那儿躺了一个高个子穿黑衣服的绅士,看上去像死人一般。... -
俚语like a ton of bricks的意思解释和用法例句
like a ton of bricks 用作副词的意思: (常与hit连用)十分深刻,非常沉重、严峻、震惊 用法及例句:The whole thing hit me like a ton of bricks.整件事情给我留下了深刻的印象。 The news of her arrival hit him like a ton of bricks.她到来的消息使他大惊失色。... -
俚语like a wooden Indian的意思解释和用法例句
like a wooden Indian 用作副词的意思:(美国俚语)非常迟钝、呆板地,无声无表情地 用法及例句:When I addressed her,she stood there like a wooden Indian.当我跟她说话时,她呆若木鸡地站在那里。... -
俚语like anything的意思解释和用法例句
like anything 用作副词的意思:全力以赴地,非常猛烈地,拼命地 用法及例句:We ran like anything to get away.为了逃脱,我们玩儿命地跑。... -
俚语like a shot的意思解释和用法例句
like a shot 用作副词的意思:飞快地,马上,立刻,突然 用法及例句:If I could hear of any chance of employment elsewhere, I’d take it like a shot.要是我听说别处有任何招聘的机会,那我马上就去应聘。... -
俚语like a hole in the head的意思解释和用法例句
like a hole in the head 用作副词的意思: (主要与need 连用)决不,讨厌地 用法及例句:I need this drink like I need a hole in the head.我决不喝这酒。... -
俚语like a million bucks的意思解释和用法例句
like a million bucks 用作副词的意思:(美国俚语)非常好,好极了 用法及例句:In that blouse she looks like a million bucks.她穿那件短上衣显得漂亮极了。... -
俚语like a dream的意思解释和用法例句
like a dream 用作副词的意思:很容易地,完美地 用法及例句:Everything went like a dream.一切进展得十分顺利。... -
俚语like bump on a log的意思解释和用法例句
like bump on a log 用作副词的意思:呆头呆脑地,一声不坑地 用法及例句:Don’t sit there like a bump on a log,move.别呆呆地坐在那儿,起来活动活动。... -
like a dose of salts的意思解释和用法例句,俚语like a dose of salts (=like shit through a tin horn)
like a dose of salts (=like shit through a tin horn) 用作副词的意思:很快地,一下子,不费力地,轻而易举地 用法及例句:He’ll get through that work like a dose of salts.他将很快地完成那项工作。 l’m just about broke, but I can pay for my own ticket like shit throug... -
俚语like a blue streak的意思解释和用法例句
like a blue streak 用作副词的意思:非常快地,很有效地 用法及例句:He can read like a blue streak.他能飞快地阅读。 The dog ran like a blue streak across the lawn.狗从草坪上飞奔而过。... -
like like用法一 用作动词的意思:希望,愿意(尤指预测赢家,类似打赌性用语) 用法及例句:Who do you like in the title?你看这次锦标赛准能得冠军? like用法二 用作感叹词的意思: (说话中略作考虑时所用的语气词,如 用法及例句:哦…,这个…,那个 …,比如…之类的插入语) 用法及例句:This is,like so silly! 这个…,嗳…多么傻哪! She is like, so, like,way rad! 她... -
俚语like a bandit的意思解释和用法例句
like a bandit 用作副词的意思:(美国俚语)非常成功地,兴旺地 用法及例句:We had the battle like a bandit.我们非常成功地打了胜仗。... -
俚语like a bat out of hell的意思解释和用法例句
like a bat out of hell 用作副词的意思:如飞一般地,(快得)不顾一切地 用法及例句:The car pulled away from the curb like a bat out of hell.汽车飞快地驶离了路边。 The motor cyclist had gone like a hat out of hell towards Baker Street.那位摩托车手早已朝贝克大街如离弦之箭般绝驰而去。... -
俚语lightning rod的意思解释和用法例句
lightning rod 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[空军用语]喷气战斗机 用法及例句:The lightning rod would be jetting through the sky at 600 miles an hour.这架喷气战斗机将以每小时600英里的速度在空中作喷气式飞行。... -
俚语lights out的意思解释和用法例句
lights out 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)死亡,结束 用法及例句:When it’s lights out, I want it to be fast.如果是死,我希望死得干脆。... -
俚语light housekeeping的意思解释和用法例句
light housekeeping 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)姘居,同居 用法及例句:A: Are the two married? B: Oh,no, it’s a case of light house-keeping. 甲:他俩结过娇吗?乙:噢,没有,他们只是同居而已。...
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